• May 3, 2024

Yoga Teacher Training – What is the 200-Hour YTT?

What is the 200-Hour YTT?

YTT stands for Yoga Teacher Training, and 200-hour YTT is the basic building block for becoming a yoga instructor. You will see yogis with 200-hour certifications who refer to themselves as CYT (Certified Yoga Teachers) or RYT (Registered Yoga Teachers). These yogis have completed the minimum amount of hours of yoga training required by Yoga Alliance, an international organization that sets standards for teacher training and certifies yoga instructors.

During the 200 hr ytt, you will learn about yoga history, philosophy and poses. You will also learn how to teach yoga classes. This includes verbal cuing, posture adjustments, assisting students of all ability levels, class sequencing and holding space. All of these skills are essential for teaching yoga and need to be thoroughly learned in order to become a confident and successful yoga instructor.

You will also likely have assigned reading books and some homework that is due during the ytt, however these should not be overwhelming and should only take a few minutes to complete each day. You will also have some practice teaching time and observing other yoga instructors.

Yoga Teacher Training – What is the 200-Hour YTT?

Many YTT programs are offered over a few weekends, which is ideal for those with busy schedules. However, some yoga schools offer intensive courses that last three to four weeks. If you’re looking for a more flexible option, consider signing up for a 300-hour yoga teacher training course, which is the second level of YTT.

In a 300-hour YTT, you will explore more advanced yoga poses and learn how to teach students of all skill levels and abilities. You will also deepen your understanding of yoga theory, anatomy and physiology, pranayama and bandhas. You’ll also be taught how to teach classes of varying styles, such as yin yoga and vinyasa.

Once you have completed the 300-hour YTT, you’ll be eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as an RYT-500. To earn this title, you’ll need to have logged 100 hours of teaching experience since the completion of your 200-hour YTT.

In addition to the yoga teaching skills, you will be introduced to other aspects of yogic life such as ahimsa (nonviolence), karma and dharma. These are principles that the yogis and yoginis of ancient times believed in and based their lives on. It’s important to understand these concepts as they will inform your yoga teaching practice in the future.

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