• May 19, 2024

Squeasel Word Dinner Parties: from Bustassin’ to Chillaxin’ in one night

Here’s the next couples idea, the latest fun activity for a marriage celebration ritual that’s back, dinner. It’s called the Squeaky Word Party and it requires a bit of an explanation. Squeaky words aren’t necessarily descriptions of ways to make your partner feel more appreciated, although that could be one of many uses for them. Squeasel words are a combination of two words to create a completely new word, while condensing and amplifying the meaning of the two original words at the same time. Chillaxin’ is one of those mentioned above and is, of course, a combination of chills and relaxation. The title of this article should be self explanatory, and I’ll leave it at that, as my editor may have trouble with an open description of the first word. Suffice it to say that the first word describes what we had collectively been doing at our jobs all day, the second described the atmosphere around the terrace that night, as the charcoal glowed on the grill, the wine coolers dripped with sweat, and the steaks sauteed.

Couples can’t help but have a good time at a squeaky word party. It’s exactly what it says on the tin, a dinner party with friends, during which the goal is to create as many squeaks as possible and keep the creative juices flowing along with good food and good humor. No more Twister or Trivial Pursuit. It’s time to add as many new words and explanations as possible to the old Funk & Wagnalls. In addition to the two squeaky words listed above, this is what produced our last encounter with friends. Some of these are almost painfully banal, others, we thought, were inspired and stylish.

When the appetizers arrived and the praise was shared with the chef, we began praising, then dipping (of course), then moving on to gulping and, for the, ahem, more relaxed among us, a bit of beer burping, naturally. I should mention at this point that it may be convenient to leave the children at a neighbor’s house for the duration. Squeasels aren’t necessarily rude and/or vulgar, but as their little party progresses, and certain people get involved in more and more drinks, they tend to gravitate towards more, shall we say, colorful verbal inventions. Call it crude dubbing, or possibly slapping, depending on whether one’s partner is within earshot or not.

The conversation turned to offices and careers, and rumors of intrigue that soon turned into intrigue. Facial wrinkles due to long hours turned into work lines. The need to do things right to keep the job, while putting in more and more hours, left some of us feeling overwhelmed. Inevitably, someone mentioned a modern controversy, office romance. The reference was to a young, attractive understudy who was simply referred to as, what else, the office lure. Our hostess could have had her apron printed and sold in bulk after one of our more creative guests screeched that she was so damn roasted. Clearly, the swigulping had taken its toll.

The steaks finished their charflips, the beers were topped off or ‘foamed’ and plates were produced. After a while the screeching ceased, or I might say, they screeched for a while. Not content with the limited screeches created so far, we tried to outdo each other in various current events. I do not apologize for the result, nor do I attribute authorship, wishing to preserve at least a semblance of dignity.

Lance Armstrong’s last attempt at the Tour de France was lanky Texans’ attempt to recycle himself, a libertarian member of the party wanted President Obama to apply the fiscal brakes, and for health care town hall meetings, and his somewhat deceptive tactics, the squeak was mediscare. . None of us wanted to get caught up in an insurance mix-up, or we might get a bad bill, and have to pray we don’t get misdiagnosed and end up with a dead ductable. Nobody needs that.

So print out the invitations, work your way into the etymology hall of fame, and have fun doing it. One last tip: I think the designated driver is a good idea, especially after a screeching party. As they say, never drink and get carried away.

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