• May 19, 2024

Sheepskin: in hot climates? Not in your life!

Did you know, or did you realize, that sheepskin is sold more often in hot climates than in cold ones? Sheepskin (meaning the skin of the sheep with the fleece still intact) has a history of being excellent in cold weather due to its insulating ability, keeping the air around the covered area warm. That’s great for cold, but the question above wants to know about hot weather.

Look at these facts about sheepskin: if you USE sheepskin, it will be too hot if the temperature reaches close to 80 degrees. When the weather gets over 80 degrees, everything gets HOT! The exception will be your exposed skin, are you interested?

Find out why: Sheepskin is an excellent insulator against heat buildup in the seats where you will sit. Sheepskin fleece has air spaces around the hair fibers. In winter, warm air is trapped and circulated, keeping you warm. In summer, the hair fibers allow air to circulate so that you stay cool. The fleece breathes and wicks moisture away from the body, so sweat is essentially wicking away. Sheepskin fibers can retain around 30% of moisture, keeping moisture away from the skin. This is how it works both in winter and in summer.

You may have been remembering sun-drenched places that usually burn when you sit down, which, being covered in sheepskin, are not going to have that effect. Think not just vinyl seats, but leather seats as well. These may include your car seats, your infant car seat, your motorcycle seat, your bicycle seat, your saddle seat, your riding cart seat, your wheelchair seat, your cart seat golf course, your plane seat (?) (yes, that one, too) and although it’s not a seat, it may be boiling, your steering wheel. (Obvious surfaces that are often exposed to the sun are listed. You may come up with more ideas. Ask and you’ll be covered!)). Additional comfort can also be had year-round with indoor seating such as office chairs, that comfy recliner, stools that medical professionals sit on, and my favorite, a sheepskin thrown over the back of your chair to feel.

You may be thinking: well, I have a polyester (or even some other fabric) cover over my seat, and it fits me. It keeps me cool, not really great, but sort of. It makes me hot when I sit on it too long. It’s a little hot when the sun hits it, but the skin on my legs remains intact. Not really a good comparison. Sheepskin does not ‘heat’ to the point of burning your legs, back or any part that touches the sun-baked area, but actually protects the skin from any hint of a burn and totally from sweating. Sheepskin is known for maintaining a constant temperature, hot or cold. The benefit of knowing that you can climb into your vehicle without any bad memories is well worth it! Summer is hot and everything the sun touches gets hot! Sheepskin fools the sun so there are no more blisters on your butt!

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