• May 14, 2024

Difference Between African Dwarf Frogs and African Clawed Frogs

There has been a marked increase in the popularity of aquatic frogs among hobbyists in recent years. Aquatic frogs, such as African Clawed Frogs and Dwarf Frogs, are known for their unique behaviors that are both interesting and entertaining. Anyone who has ever seen a frog tank can attest to this. Some hobbyists run into the problem of housing clawed frogs with dwarf frogs due to a lack of knowledge of the two species. After reading this entire article, you will be able to fully understand the differences between the two types of frogs.

Similarities Between African Dwarf Frog and Clawed Frog
Before we start with the differences between the two types of frogs, we will first understand the similarities between them. Clawed frogs and dwarf frogs are completely aquatic. They are able to live underwater without needing to come out of the water. These critters also look very similar, often causing people to confuse one type for the other, which can lead to problems in an aquarium. They both share similar behaviors, such as hanging off the bottom of the tank while occasionally touching the surface of the water.

Differences Between the African Dwarf Frog and the Clawed Frog
There are quite a few differences between the two. Knowing these differences can be a matter of life and death when stocking your aquarium. Miniature frogs grow much smaller than the clawed version with the largest growing just over two inches. Clawed species have been known to grow up to eight inches. Only the clawed versions are available in albino form. While both types of frog are equipped with webbed feet, only the dwarf frog has webbed hands. The eyes of an African Dwarf Frog are located on the side of the head, while the eyes of a clawed species can be found on the top of the frog’s head.

While the habitat requirements are somewhat similar for both frogs, there are some differences. For example, clawed frogs require a larger tank as they grow much larger. The diets of these critters are also similar in that they are both carnivorous. However, clawed frogs are very dangerous predators in a home aquarium. They are capable of eating much larger creatures such as small crayfish and goldfish. Never house African Dwarf Frogs with African Clawed Frogs! The much larger clawed frog will kill and eat the smaller dwarf frog. The clawed frog is also known to be a bit more aggressive than the miniature, which is normally peaceful.

Both types of aquatic creatures are extremely entertaining and can make very interesting pets. Clawed frogs are illegal in some states, so some people will have to settle for the miniature kind, which is not a bad thing. After reading this article, I hope that now you can understand the similarities and differences of both species.

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