• May 16, 2024

Strength training for injury prevention

Soccer is a high-speed game of violent collisions and split-second direction changes. As a result, injuries to muscles and joint structures frequently occur due to the high demands placed on them to produce and absorb force in an instant. Some injuries are unavoidable due to contact, but non-contact injuries can be drastically reduced by using smart strength training programs.

Pulled muscles are often the result of nearby muscles not doing their job to assist or stabilize during movement. Lower back strains are often the result of weak abs and glutes, while hamstring pulls are often caused by poor hip extension specifically with weakness in the glutes again.

Injuries to joint structures, such as tendonitis in the shoulder and ACL tears in the knee, are often the result of front-to-back muscle imbalances. Athletes who emphasize the bench press but ignore upper back strengthening will often experience acute shoulder injury or chronic pain with pressing movements in the weight room and on the field. Quadriceps-dominated training at the expense of the hamstrings can result in instability of the knee joint with slowing and cutting, thus the common cause of many ACL and cartilage injuries.

A smart and balanced strength training program can go a long way in preventing injuries on the soccer field. I’ll give examples of some of the major joints and muscles, but keep these key points in mind.

  1. The training volume for the rear of the body should match that of the front.
  2. Soccer does not happen from the front. Training should also include lateral and rotational movements. Plyometric and agility drills should also address this.
  3. Do not forget to train the trunk. This is the weakest part of the body for most athletes, but perhaps the most crucial for success.

Neck: First contact in soccer is often with the head and shoulders, so a strong neck and upper traps are critical to preventing neck injuries and “stings.” Neck strengthening should be done in all directions using a machine or resistance from a training partner. The athlete must remember to maintain good posture at all times and not cheat with his body. The upper traps should be worked primarily with cleans, deadlifts, and the farmer’s walk. Shrugs and upright rows are traditional exercises that really only accentuate poor posture and can cause more neck and shoulder pain.

back: The shoulders have the most mobility of any joint, but also the least stability. The rotator cuff and scapular muscles of the upper back are responsible for joint stability, especially during overhead or pressing activities. The scapular muscles are essential to maintain glenohumeral rhythm and joint space to avoid impingement. This allows the rotator cuff muscles to do their job and stabilize the shoulder joint.

The scapular musculature is recruited during pull-ups and pull-ups, pull-ups, dumbbell or barbell rows, and deadlifts. Emphasize good posture at all times to work the muscles effectively, rather than pulling too much weight. The rotator cuff muscles can be worked with bands or dumbbells to perform rotational movements and diagonal patterns. Using light dumbbells (3-5lbs) to perform T, Y, L and W are a great way to warm up before lifting and will work all the muscles in the shoulder girdle.

lumbar spine: The lower back is another area that is quite susceptible to injury, but it can often be prevented with strengthening and paying attention to proper lifting technique. Keeping your lower back flat during exercises like squats, deadlifts, and cleans is essential to preventing injury. Holding that posture against the load being lifted is also a tremendous strengthening exercise for the muscles of the entire back, even though other muscle groups are being targeted (ie leg squats). Exercises like back hyperextensions and good mornings will target these muscles more through a greater range of motion.

Another key is abdominal strengthening to support the lumbar spine when it’s under a lot of stress. Strong abdominal muscles not only stabilize the spine, but also facilitate power transfer between the lower and upper body, making athletes more of a blocker and tackler. Explosive medicine ball throws are an excellent way to train your core muscles to stabilize your spine and build power at the same time.

knees: As mentioned above, non-contact knee injuries are often the result of muscle imbalances, specifically strong quadriceps and weak hamstrings. Performing parallel squats and spending the same amount of time training your hamstrings will go a long way toward improving knee stability. Hamstring curls, glute raises, and Romanian deadlifts should be included at some point. Unilateral exercises like lunges, single leg squats, and single leg deadlifts can also be used to guard against side-to-side imbalances. Lateral and rotational lunges can be used from time to time, along with agility and plyometric exercises, to prepare the knee joint structures for cutting and changing direction.

ankle boots: Ankle injuries are very common in soccer, usually caused by cutting yourself or falling from a jump. Paying attention to strengthening the hips and core muscles will actually decrease ankle injuries due to better control of the body with deceleration movements. Another effective way to reduce non-contact ankle injuries is through agility and plyometric work. Stressing the ankle muscles, tendons and ligaments with soccer-specific movements will strengthen these structures and prepare them to handle the forces placed on them in game situations. Start during the off-season and gradually build up the speed and increase the difficulty of the exercises.

As a physical therapist, the main causes of non-contact injuries I see are muscle imbalances, front to back and side to side, and lack of preparation for playing conditions. The rehabilitation process addresses these defects by targeting neglected supporting muscle groups and stressing muscle and joint structures by incorporating sport-specific movements. By applying these concepts to your training programs, many of these injuries will be avoided. That could mean fewer games lost and more wins in the fall.

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