• May 19, 2024

Neptune’s role in detoxifying your body and the healing power of the far infrared sauna

The temple of your soul: your body needs attention!

Last week, in addition to the New Moon, we had four other planets in Pisces infusing the week with the Neptunian spirit and an invitation for deeper inner guidance and focus. I have discussed the general qualities of Pisces and the spiritual dimension of the 12th sign in the evolution of the zodiac. This week we still have the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces, as well as Neptune conjunct Mercury. It could be said that the stars are perfectly aligned for us now to attend to the healing dimension of Pisces, as well as the spiritual dimension.

Neptune rules Pisces and, with Jupiter, the 12th House (the Personal Connection to the Divine and Invisible Realms). In the body, Neptune rules the feet, the pineal gland, the thalamus, psychological neuroses, and unresolved illnesses.


Neptune is the Roman god of the sea (from the Greek Poseidon), reflected in the deep blue color of the planet. This is not a very literal or concrete planet. It is associated with many non-material, sometimes nebulous and transcendent principles: religion and spirituality, fantasy, imagination, creativity in art and music, idealism, compassion, love, higher states of consciousness and connection with the divine, mysticism and psychic phenomena. . And he also represents poison, drugs, toxins, gases, addictions and degenerative, influences that diminish the vital force.

People under the influence of Neptune may be drawn to careers and activities that allow them to withdraw into themselves, such as monks or nuns. Neptune at its best supports our striving for inspiration, service, and understanding, but its negative influence is associated with addiction, weakness, illusions, and delusion.

Highlights of the week:

• Mercury Neptune conjunction in Aquarius

• The Sun joins Jupiter at 9 degrees Pisces

• The Moon is in flexible Gemini, moving into emotional Cancer and then analytical Virgo

Your body is your temple: and it’s time to clean house

Last week, after a month of delay in the postal system, I finally received the book “Detoxify or Die” by Sherry Rogers, MD, which I had ordered, probably because the timing was right for me. I read it twice in 5 days. Having accumulated many symptoms over the years, starting with debilitating migraines and regular headaches, arthritis in my hands, severe allergies, skin problems, Candida and what not, I tried different approaches to detox from time to time. and clean my body. I have experimented with all kinds of healthy diets and cleanses that have not given me an improvement experience. I even did colon cleanses for 10 days ending with a deep liver flush, ok I won’t go into that right now… (If you like to read a really funny description of a liver cleanse, Arjuna Ardagh wrote a great article on your liver cleanse)

Let’s just say I’m still motivated to find easy ways to improve myself and improve my health. Reading the book Detoxify or Die has been very inspiring and put me into action. I have often been very frustrated in the past when reading health books because just realizing the extent of our environmental pollution and toxic exposure through air, water, and food made me feel very helpless and angry. And the solutions offered seemed to be very expensive, difficult to do, and often put me through major triggers of my symptoms. I often ended up in that place of overwhelm and frustration; I knew I needed to detox more thoroughly, but felt unable to follow through with the solutions offered. Have you ever been there?

When I read this book, many bits of information that I already had were falling into place for me.

Far-infrared sauna offers hope

This is not just another book about how bad our level of toxicity is due to our lifestyle and toxic exposure that we cannot avoid, it actually provides a pretty simple way to detox and cleanse our divine soul temple. The message is to use the new far infrared sauna technology and sweat it all out. (You want to read the book because you need to replenish your minerals and take care of the process along with the supplement.) It is a long-term approach to deep detoxification without overloading the detoxification organs such as the liver, kidneys, lymphatic system and blood and reactivating drug symptoms. or stimulating crisis healing. It lifts your spirits (raising your endorphins) and makes you feel so relaxed and so clean… I love it!

What makes the infrared sauna different?

The infrared sauna contains the lower end of the wavelength spectrum with the longest, most healing rays. This sauna operates at a significantly lower temperature than the normal sauna, between 100-150 F compared to the dry or Finnish sauna at 160-200 F. It induces 2-3 times the volume of sweat than the normal sauna. It slips in the back door and draws chemicals from the subcutaneous fat layers under the skin. Reduces lactic acid, kills bacteria and parasites, penetrates tissues, reduces swelling, improves lymphatic flow, attracts calcium to cell membranes, detoxifies by vibrating ionic bonds, and reduces the size of clumps of water by creating a resonant dance between water and chemical molecules; it makes it easier for water to move stored toxins out of the cell and into sweat.

In research conducted at the Mayo Clinic, it improved the cardiac status of people who were at the end of their therapeutic ropes. People who have not even been able to tolerate a hot bath were able to slowly detox with this sauna. As you know, I am not a doctor, but I thought this information was worth sharing and discussing.

I have been on the sauna program for 4 weeks, ever since I heard about the book from a friend. I’m doing it 3 times a week and my arthritis feels so much better. Otherwise, I can’t say much besides that it actually feels good and right to do it. I will give you a report later and I would also love to hear about your experiences.

I just thought how appropriate this is for all the Pisces activities this month.

Mercury Conjunct Neptune in Aquarius on Saturday 27

In Aquarius we have the availability of new technology, with Neptune we have unresolved issues of drugs, disease and toxicity and with Mercury we put our minds in gear and in line with our deepest intuition and inner guidance reflected in the outer world. I think it’s obvious to see the connection between toxicity and an overburdened body’s inability to function for optimal wellness. The real question is: what can you do about it? The answer is: BE SMART and detox!

You cannot leave your health in the hands and responsibility of doctors and the medical system that tends to put more drugs in your system, with more overload and many side effects. I don’t even want to get into the financial interests of the pharmaceutical industry, their greed and their power plays. But it is obvious that you have to be wise, educate yourself and take action accordingly.

Wellness and health is a journey in progress, you have to constantly adjust your thinking, your emotions, learn new ways and adjust the action steps that are appropriate for you. Meditation, relaxation, healthy eating, and the right exercise program for you should be tailored to you and your needs. And you are the only person who can really do that!

The Sun joins Jupiter at 9 degrees Pisces

When we have the conjunction of the Sun with Jupiter on Sunday the 28th, we will feel the enthusiasm and positive perspective that we will need to take a step forward. Jupiter is well known for his overview and his way of putting things in a higher perspective. He represents the principle of expansion and growth and you can use this for your health. Begin! Take a first step, read the book, get smart, and think about your own personal wellness program that you want to implement this month. If you have real health issues, you want to talk to a doctor or healthcare professional and get additional expert support with this.

Make your health your priority!

The Moon positions this week work very well for this. Geminis love to read and learn. Cancer likes to eat well and withdraws more into himself than usual. And Virgos are health oriented and pay close attention to health details.

I suggest you take some time for yourself with your journal and do some thinking and decide on some new goals. Ask yourself some questions like:

• Are you satisfied with your state of health?

• Do you feel refreshed and full of energy when you wake up in the morning?

• Do you have any symptoms of pain?

• Is your thinking clear and your memory sharp?

• Do exercise?

• How is your digestion?

• Does your body smell bad? Do you need to wear deodorant?

• How much processed food is in your diet? Soft drinks, Cokes…

• Do you eat fresh, unprocessed foods such as salads and fruits regularly?

• Do you drink 2 quarts of water a day?

• Do you do an annual cleanse to pamper your body and help it recharge?

• And many more…

Do not get frustrated! Use the answers to these questions to motivate yourself and decide right now what you want to do. Decide 3 action steps you will do this week. The state of your health is something that you have the power to improve and change in your life. I personally love the sauna detox process because it makes me feel good. I found a spa nearby with a far-infrared sauna and spend quality time with my girlfriends hanging out together working up a sweat.

Or as Abraham-Hicks says: “There is no state of deterioration or physical damage that you cannot recover from, none, none, if you only knew… If you wanted to and knew you could. And those are those miracles that everyone talks about.” the days. They’re not miracles at all, they’re the natural order of things. But because they’re rare, people think they’re miraculous. They’re not. That’s how it’s supposed to be. It’s supposed to be. to flourish “.

I hope you have enjoyed this article and that it helps you on your path to wellness.

Enjoy and have fun, aloha and many blessings, Shakti.

Shakti Carola Navran: Astrologer, Jeweler and Author

1135 Makawao Ave. Suite 310

Makawao, Maui, Hawaii 96768

Phone: 808.878.8182

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