• May 18, 2024

Why Traffic Ticket School is a good option to get out of a speeding ticket

Traffic ticket school is a reasonable request to ask a judge when you have traditionally had a pretty good driving record. It’s not completely off the ticket, but for all practical purposes it’s treated the same way.

When I got my first speeding ticket the cost of the ticket would have been about $70 or so, but it went down and down to $20 and a few hours of school traffic.

This class was on a Saturday morning where I watched videos on the dangers of unsafe driving along with a heavy emphasis on not drinking and driving. It was actually educational and not boring at all.

The biggest benefit of traffic ticket school is that the ticket will not count towards your license points and will not affect your insurance rates. Some states have a system where the severity of each ticket is added to a point system. If you get too many points, you can lose your license. Some states allow you to take traffic ticket school or a safe driving class before you get a ticket, which will give you an extra point allotment to make it harder to lose your license in the future.

If you put together a good defense, you can avoid both traffic ticket school and the ticket altogether. Applying for traffic school is not as good a way to avoid a ticket as defending yourself in court, but as a safe way to drive it is a relatively simple solution.

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