• May 20, 2024

What to do when you are in an abusive relationship

We face many obstacles and problems in our lives. There is no other way out. What cannot be cured or fixed must be tolerated and endured; the reason why many people lose hope. This makes life miserable.

When you get married and have an immature husband, how can you deal with your circumstance? People like them are quick-tempered and easily angered even with the slightest reason. Why do they do this? It’s because an immature husband is a man who isn’t even trying to mature to handle his relationship with his wife in a more adult way.

Nothing is more damaging to your confidence and self-esteem than being in an emotionally abusive relationship. Unlike physical abuse that rears its ugly head in dramatic outbursts, emotional abuse can be more insidious and elusive. In some cases, neither the abuser nor the victim are fully aware of what is happening.

Your relationship with your partner is severely damaged as a result of the ongoing and widespread emotional abuse. He may be depressed or have other mental health problems as a result of this ongoing abuse. Your self-esteem and confidence are almost non-existent, as your abuser has diminished your very self.

Emotional abusers are bullies. But once he gets his power back and learns to set his limits, they’ll know he’s not going to take it anymore. The victim of abuse very often does not view the abuse as abusive. They develop coping mechanisms of denial and minimization to deal with stress. But the long-term effects of emotional abuse can cause severe emotional trauma for the victim, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Victims of very severe emotional abuse are often afraid to defend themselves. They fear their partner will leave or make things worse without realizing that once they draw a line and demand a more mature relationship, the abusive person will have a choice to make: change their behavior or risk losing you.

Emotional abuse can be a sneaky killer of the spirit. You are in denial because you most likely don’t want to see the signs of an abusive relationship because you desperately want to believe that your abuser really loves you. Gradually, emotional abuse from someone who is supposed to love you will rob you of joy, your sense of well-being, and even your mental health, leading to crippling insecurity, shame, and possibly suicide.

Don’t wait for that to happen. Never sacrifice yourself for the sake of a one-sided relationship. Act now while you still have time to get back to your old self.

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