• May 21, 2024

What is an “erotic nose brain” and should yours be removed?

I asked my friend Julia what she thought of pheromones for women and this is what she wrote:

“Someone Like You was a movie that came out a few years ago. Like many romantic comedies, it was light-hearted and a little silly, but it was a fun movie to watch.

In particular, I remember a scene where the female lead, played by Ashley Judd, went to an ENT doctor to have her “erotic brain out of her nose” removed. She claims…

“I want my erotic nose brain removed. My emegulata. The organ that processes erotic senses deep in my nasal cavity which then connects to memory. Well let me see if I can explain this.

She had a boyfriend who smelled really, really good.

I eat soap and clean clothes and vanilla and every time I smell any of those things I remember my boyfriend and how happy we were and he dumped me for no good reason and I get really sad and angry and before I know it I’m in the shots of a total emotional breakdown and I was thinking that if I could short-circuit my nose somehow, I might have a chance to live a semi-normal life one day.”

Yes, she was in love with a man who dumped her unceremoniously and she was devastated. She couldn’t get over the idea that every time she smelled vanilla, clean clothes or soap, she would think of this man she loved and she had lost.

At one time or another, we have all experienced this type of chemical association. But one thing the movie never touched on was natural human scent.


Sure, we can wear perfume, bathe in lavender, and smooth cocoa butter on our skin, but our natural pheromones can affect those scents when they deposit on our bodies.

That’s why my friend Julia can’t wear Chanel No. 5, but her friend Susan can.

Their body chemistry is different, their natural female pheromones are different, so perfumes and colognes end up smelling different on them.

So now you are probably wondering what is a pheromone and how can it help a woman to attract a man or a guy to attract women.

Subliminal odors (sexual attractants or pheromones) influence how animals develop, mate, bond, and nurture their young. Humans are no different.

Smells can control women’s menstrual cycles and even influence sexual orientation. They help us distinguish a stranger from a lover or family member. They can even affect how often we have sex, how our brains develop, what we remember, and how we learn.

So yes, the character of Someone Like You was affected by the scent he remembered from his lover. Whatever that scent smelled like to her, it was affected by her natural pheromones.

And even though she’s just a character in a movie, this kind of scent memory happens every day, for each and every one of us.

Can we enhance that attraction? Is there a scent we can use that mixes well with our own body chemistry so that we can maybe attract MORE to someone we’re attracted to?

The answer is yes.

There are pheromones on the market for men and for women. They mix with our body’s natural chemistry and increase our attractiveness to others. It may take a bit of experimentation to get the best pheromones for your chemistry, but it’s definitely worth it.

Better yet, you can wear your sexy cologne or perfume along with the pheromone, and it will awaken your target’s sense of smell.

Then he or she will make an intentional effort to get a good smell from you, that’s when the pheromones go to work. The fragrance works as a carrier for the pheromones.

The best thing you can do is try it. Buy some pheromones, wear them with your perfume, and try them out at a crowded party or dance. You will be surprised to discover that you will attract more people than usual!

It’s also likely that the pheromone will even make you feel a little happier, more playful, or more positive. After all, it doesn’t just affect the people you’re attracted to, it affects you too.

Yes, there is an erotic nose brain, and scientists probably have a name for it.

You would have to agree that our sense of smell can affect the things we remember, which very often have to do with sex and sexual attraction.

Pheromones are at the heart of this animal attraction and have a powerful influence on us… even if we don’t realize it.

Keep this in mind the next time you dab some perfume or cologne on your neck! You may want to add a bit of pheromone to the mix… just to be safe.”

Don’t take my word for it. Take it from the girl who knows the nose…

Thank you for reading.,


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