• May 8, 2024

Type 2 diabetes: what does eating in moderation mean to you?

In theory, “eat in moderation” sounds like great advice. But is it useful in practice? Let’s not forget that most of the information is designed for a general audience. As such, it can be watered down when applied to your particular situation. Therefore, it is worth exploring the notion of “eating in moderation” further so that you can make the most of this advice or discard it if you find it a waste of time.

Type 2 diabetics or those trying to lose weight are more likely to resonate with this idea. Eating in moderation sounds safe and may seem like a fruitful endeavor. After all, extremes tend to be harmful, particularly when it comes to eating habits and nutrition. Eat too much and you’ll gain weight, eat too little and fight endlessly just to lose a few pounds. Even if there is a benefit to temporary caloric deprivation, it just makes burnout a more likely scenario.

The last thing you need as a type 2 diabetic is to get off track just when you were improving your blood sugar readings and losing weight. It takes time to shed unnecessary body fat and see high blood sugars come down and stabilize, so it’s best to be patient and get it right the first time. But is moderation the key to success?

In short, the answer is yes and no. Eating in moderation is beneficial when you choose to eat the right foods. There is no point in moderation if you are using it as an excuse to eat anything despite your high blood sugar or excess body weight.

For example, French fries have an exorbitant amount of fat and have no place in a weight loss-oriented eating plan. Similarly, soft drinks are a disaster for anyone with type 2 diabetes, as they give a dangerous spike in blood sugar and do not provide anything useful to the body. Regardless of moderation, the consumption of these products is harmful and serves only to satisfy a temporary craving that must be suppressed.

“Everything is fine in moderation” sounds like something we want to hear, but you’d do well to walk away if your health isn’t up to snuff. That being said, this doesn’t mean you have to completely eliminate your favorite foods from your diet. Rather, you should forget about moderation. Eating your favorite dessert once in a while is fine, finding a way to consume it on a daily basis is not! It is necessary to have a balance, but striving for moderation is usually a justification that makes you make mistakes most of the time.

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