• May 17, 2024

Swords – Well actually a ‘light saber’ – The possible physics behind those different colored lights

There are no more recognizable fictional or real swords than the lightsaber from the Star Wars movies. The lightsaber was an imaginative invention by George Lucas that was so unique that it immediately became the preeminent symbol of the Star Wars trilogy, and beyond. The lightsaber is a laser-based sword that, instead of extending to an infinite length as lasers usually do according to quantum physics, has been modified to be limited to only 1-2 meters based on the width of the lightsaber. An effective weapon, these lightsabers block the wielder from deadly projectiles, laser blasts, and generate an immense amount of heat capable of penetrating heavy metal doors of almost any alloy. It is an ideal and unique weapon of the Jedi order. The Jedi in the Star Wars trilogy are a highly skilled and skilled band of warriors who use the ever-present “force” to aid them in their battles, such that their responses to fast-flying laser beams are almost in the realm of precognition.

Lightsabers also have the added feature of different colored blades. These lightsabers with their different colored lasers may have served a purpose other than a distinguishing feature of the Jedi using them. The ‘Light’ in Light Saber implies that these lasers are based on the theory of light waves. The light from the lightsaber has a different color, and therefore, according to known physics, it has a different wavelength that changes with the color of the light. So the purple lightsaber, even though it’s a laser, may have a slightly different purpose based on that different wavelength than, say, a Jedi warrior with a blue lightsaber. So, for example, a lightsaber with a purple laser can use its wavelength for more effective blocking, while someone with a green lightsaber can use the green laser wavelength to maybe slash and slash. This is just a guess right now, but anything is within the realm of possibility in the Star Wars universe.

The lightsabers that can be purchased on the web are handcrafted and detailed in great detail to replicate the exact shape and fit of lightsabers found in the Star Wars movies. They are usually made of real metal, complete with motion sensors that generate the appropriate sounds at the right time. But more importantly, the weapon feels real, and suspends reality for a moment, and allows the wielder a real sense of what Jedi warriors are feeling and preparing for; after all, it is a lightsaber.

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