• May 16, 2024

Snoring prevention products with a dark side

Some snoring prevention products beg the question, why? There are certain products that people have invented by chance, such as decongestant nasal strips. Despite the fact that such products produce great results, they were never actually originally intended for it. However, some snoring prevention products have a dark side that would make you think that someone wanted revenge on a snorer who had been driving him crazy.

the snore ball

Sleeping on your side is an effective way to prevent snoring. In most cases, the only people who continue to have trouble with snoring while sleeping on their stomach or side are snoring due to a more serious problem known as sleep apnea and need a doctor’s help to stop snoring. To keep a sleeping snorer on your side, many inventions have been created that don’t always seem very friendly.

The Snore Ball is a great example. This is a small, hard ball that is tied to the lower back. This invention, which was originally introduced in the early 20th century, forces you to turn onto your side due to the extreme discomfort that comes from rolling onto your back. The snoring ball can be attached to its own strap or directly to your pajamas.

Sandler’s pillow

The Sandler pillow was also designed to prevent people from sleeping on their backs. The Sandler pillow was named after the person who invented it, Peter Sandler. This pillow is long, small, and too thin for you to rest your entire head on.

The snoring stopper

The Snore Stopper is an outrageous and dangerous product that claims to prevent snoring. This bracelet wakes you up when you start snoring with an electric shock. The makers of the Snore Stopper have claimed that the mild electrical shock produced by their product is only equivalent to the pain caused by a light pinch. This electro shock bracelet, however, seems like the perfect revenge gift for a husband or wife who is fed up with each other’s snoring.

An even more disturbing shape of the Snore Stopper is designed to fit around your tongue and give you a shock every time your tongue touches the back of your mouth. Hmm!

There are many products that claim to help stop snoring, but be sure to do your homework before choosing one. Some are effective, but others are little more than snake oil cures.

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