• May 17, 2024

Smart tips for organizing the garage

The main purpose of a garage used to be to protect your car. Today, garages have become a dumping ground and personal storage space for all members of the family. If your garage has been cluttered with tools, outdoor gear, and whatnot, it’s time to corral the clutter and make your garage a more manageable space. Here are some ideas on how to get your garage in top storage condition.

Solve the problem

Much of the clutter taking up valuable space in your garage are items that are broken, old, or out of date, like household chemicals. Start with a clean slate by getting everything out of your garage and into the driveway. Sort everything into batteries: things to donate, things to throw away, things to recycle, and things to keep. Donate reusable items (like toys or books that have outgrown), or recycle or properly dispose of anything that is broken beyond repair.


Sort the items you will be keeping into categories like: car maintenance, pool toys, etc. Place items in stackable, clear plastic containers. If you use cardboard boxes, be sure to label them so you know exactly where everything is.

designate an area

Plan your garage space like you would any other room in your house. Separate the garage into areas and place similar items together in each area. For example, sports equipment, gardening and lawn care supplies, and seasonal items should all be grouped together in their own space.


Make the most of your vertical space by installing shelves. Shelving comes in many options, from floating shelves to wire shelving units that sit on wheels so you can easily move them to different areas of the garage. Adjustable shelves make it easy to create space for different sized items as your storage needs change. Pegboards or wall pegboards are another great way to hang your most used tools. Hooks keep frequently used tools like screwdrivers and hammers within reach. Shelves will not only make your space look neater but also keep your valuables safe from moisture on the floor.

Use heavy-duty hooks to get large objects out of the path and off the ground, such as ladders, shovels, and rakes. Wall shelves are another great way to make the most of every inch of wall space. Wall-mounted bike racks safely store all your bikes out of the way.

look for

Use as much ceiling space as possible. Ceiling-mounted storage gives you plenty of extra space to store items you don’t use often, like holiday decorations, luggage, coolers, and other bulky items.

cover it up

If you’d rather not peek at items on open shelves, consider installing built-in cabinets or standing cabinets where you can store items behind doors so they’re out of sight. Another inexpensive option is to hang drapery rods and drapery panels to hide storage bins and equipment at any time.

Other useful tips

Repurpose a mesh laundry bag to corral footballs, basketballs, and other sporting goods. Children’s toys should be kept within their reach. The easier it is to save something, the more likely it is to get done.

Designate a safe space for hazardous materials such as fertilizers, pesticides, and paint, so that children cannot climb into them. Ideally, dangerous chemicals and sharp tools should be stored in locked cabinets.

Place your recycling bins by the door leading into the house to make it easier to throw items into them.

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