• May 16, 2024

Sash windows in Dublin: proportion, symmetry and elegance

In Dublin, Ireland, typical Georgian architecture can be found gracing hundreds of houses and buildings. Three elements were considered extremely important to most Georgian building and home construction: proportion, symmetry, and elegance. Windows, particularly sliding or sash windows, played a major role in satisfying all three elements. Several areas in Dublin display this sash window incorporation, including Merrion Square, St. Stephen’s Green, and Mountjoy Square. The Irish Georgian Society has been instrumental in contributing grants to a number of these historic buildings and houses to preserve the authentic beauty, profile, character and charm of the original construction. Dublin’s Ely House and 38 North Great George’s Street are two excellent examples of period restoration.

Since the evolution of the law of thermodynamics, which is the simple theory of increasing heat and decreasing cold, sash windows have been a very important addition to Georgian style homes and buildings. Also considered prestigious and symbols of wealth and prosperity, sash windows allowed for better light entry and greater temperature control and cross ventilation within a structure. Typical sash windows were made of the highest quality softwood or hardwood, chosen for the grain and resin content that contributed to durability, strength, and insulating properties. Georgian windows, in particular, were designed according to the golden mean, which is approximately 1:1.6 and a classic, proportionate ratio of height to width.

In Dublin today, most home and property owners go to great lengths to preserve the integrity and grandeur of the period look of their Georgian structures. While some have chosen replacement windows, often of inferior materials and sloppy installation, most homeowners wisely choose to replace their original windows with quality wood from a reputable joinery company. An experienced carpenter is an invaluable asset to this process and can help guide homeowners in making the right decision about repair or replacement options. Although it is desirable for its aesthetic and historical significance to repair existing windows, sometimes that may not be possible. If it needs to be replaced, a reputable carpentry can create and install a nearly identical sliding sash window with relative ease.

The modern replacement for a wooden sash window will also improve energy efficiency and add tremendous property value to any home or building, while staying true to classic Old World craftsmanship and Georgian period architecture features. Consulting with a qualified carpentry service will ensure that home and property owners receive the latest information on any preservation or historic district requirements or restrictions, the best options for repair or replacement, and quality materials and workmanship.

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