• May 5, 2024

Reasons why you don’t have to follow Twitter users en masse

These old days of following thousands of Twitter users a day to win back thousands of followers are long gone as Twitter recently announced on their status blog that all Twitter users can only follow a maximum of 1000 people a day. This rule has been created to reduce the number of spam following different pages. It has been more difficult for marketers or self-promoters to quickly grow their Twitter following by following many people. This rule is also designed to reduce the number of people using tools to automatically follow anyone who follows them.

A good number of social media people, internet marketers, bloggers or even professional SEOs still practice this method whose motive, of course, is to get something in return. Through this practice, they can earn money just by linking and recommending products or services, either their own or those of others they are affiliated with, improve their reputation and increase visitor traffic.

A large list of Twitter followers and streaming links for traffic means that most people can listen to you and spread your messages; this is what many people believe, but in fact it is a big NO. There are many reasons why you don’t need to use this marketing strategy.

High number of low value profiles: This means that the 1000 followers who have followed you through the autofollow tool are not 100 percent leads. Most of them are not very specific, active or receptive. Some of them have signed up just for the sake of getting gifts. The truth is, they don’t really care about you and aren’t even interested in you.

Ineffective Twitter Marketing – Marketers need to stop obsessing about gaining follower volume. Instead of focusing on getting more followers to like you, why not think of more effective ways to use Twitter for marketing? Keep in mind that it’s not just about the number of Twitter followers you have, it’s about who follows you and how they respond to you.

Your tweet readers matter, NOT the number of people following you: Focus on the number of active followers rather than the volume or total followers you have on Twitter. Active followers are those who are most interested in your products or services and frequently interact with your page. They share your links, retweet and always interact with you. The powerful marketing of Twitter involves not only link building, but also networking and relationship building, so who follows you matters a lot!

The most effective way to market your business is simply by engaging with your followers. Don’t chase them; instead, have them come to you. A reliable SEO company usually provides some online guides that can help you deal with the marketing strategy. They offer great SEO packages that provide you with reliable search engine optimization services. This will help you get not only more traffic, but also interested and potential audiences.

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