• May 17, 2024

Platform: Get Noticed in a Loud World by Michael Hyatt – Book Review

title and author: Platform: Get noticed in a noisy world by Michael Hyatt

Content Synopsis:

The secondary title of this book is “A step-by-step guide for anyone with something to say or sell” and that is a very succinct summary of the book.

Hyatt used to be in the book publishing business and has been forced to adjust to using social media to “market” their products, books. He is also the author of several books and has learned how to promote his own work on social media. While he uses many post examples, his methods are applicable to products, services, public speakers, as well as many other reasons for getting your message across.

He spends most of the time in the book on Twitter. He started out as a Twitter skeptic, but is now a devotee. He offers a step-by-step process for getting attention in a very noisy social media world. Those steps include:

Start by developing a compelling product or message that will generate a “wow” reaction. There is no substitute for a high quality product.

Create a plan to launch your product with goals and tools.

Build a home base that includes a good website.

Expand your reach using a subscriber list and social networks.

Engage your “tribe,” those who follow you on social media, to create a buzz about you and your product or message.

Hyatt uses many real world examples based on his experience as well as what others have done and written. While he now likes Facebook, he has had reservations about using it and clearly favors Twitter. He also offers a lot of information about other programs and tools that allow you to use social networks more effectively.

He draws heavily on his own experiences and running a self-hosted blog using WordPress software with some custom design work. He also offers a lot of great advice on branding and how to position yourself in the marketplace. He talks about all this in the context of Web 2.0 with an emphasis on offering a lot of free material to attract his followers.


Anyone who wants to use social media to market an idea, message, or product effectively will benefit from the practical advice offered here. The seasoned marketer who has relied on more traditional marketing devices will learn how to use social media to expand or even replace traditional methods. Those with no experience can learn how to use social media to market at little cost.

Readability/Writing Quality:

The book is clearly written and well organized. It is also well edited.

Notes on the author:

Michael Hyatt has spent his career in the publishing business, spending much of that time with a Christian publisher, Thomas Nelson Publications. He says it is the oldest continuously operating publisher in the United States. He served as its CEO and is now Chairman. He now spends a lot of time teaching others how to use social media through his Platform training business.

Related websites:

Michael Hyatt’s blog on intentional leadership is at http://michaelhyatt.com/

Three great ideas that you can use:

1. You must have a compelling product to be successful in social media marketing; there is no substitute for that.

2. You should create an “elevator pitch,” a concise description of what you offer and how it will benefit others that you can use in the media and in interviews.

3. There is no substitute for engaging your audience with social media. This takes time and persistence. You must maintain a constant presence to build your message and your audience.

Disclosure Information:

Platform: Get noticed in a noisy world by Michael Hyatt

Copyright: 2012 by Michael Hyatt. Published in hardcover by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

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