• May 12, 2024

Origin: A hypnotist’s point of view

The new movie Inception has already landed at #7 on the Internet Movie Database’s Best Movies of All Time! This is in just a couple of months, really phenomenal.

In the midst of all the hype, many people have been emailing me to find out what I think of this film and how it portrays the possibilities of the human mind. Amidst all the hype and apparent ‘new ideas’ that the film brings, there is a great deal of fact and also a great deal of fiction surrounding it.

I thought I might share some truisms about the movie and what it means in the “real world.”

The power of the subconscious mind and spoken word therapies are nothing new, it’s just that Hollywood has never made a big movie about it before Inception. In fact, the power of the mind has been recognized since ancient times dating back to the Egyptian and Greek civilizations, where they used what is considered the first instances of hypnosis.

It’s great that Inception is now bringing more awareness to the masses to spark some ideas about the role of the subconscious in everyday life. Similarly, the movie is definitely not a true account of the workings of the inner human mind, but it does illustrate some important points:

1. Scientifically, it is not considered possible to enter other people’s dreams by your own will or by anyone else’s. There are many people with different experiences and also some modalities like remote viewing, astral travel and progressive psychic researchers who have delved into this before, but has it never been scientifically proven?

Saying this, hypnosis and more importantly hypnotherapy is scientifically recognized and proven to allow a skilled and duly responsible hypnotherapist to unconsciously suggest ideas that can have a very significant positive impact on all kinds of mental, emotional and physical problems. even physical in one’s life.

2. The deep, dark traumatic secrets hidden in the subconscious mind of the main character Dom Cobb (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) are a true indication of what happens to many of us in everyday life. Very often we carry so-called ‘demons’ and traumatic experiences that have happened to us throughout our lives and that really affect the way we think and act in the conscious realm.

Again, hypnosis can directly address these issues subconsciously, in the same way that in the movie, all the characters played a certain role in helping Dom identify, address, and release the death of his wife in order to move forward. more positive through your dreams.

3. The power of dreaming in the film is representative of the important role that our own dreams have in real life. Dreams represent the way in which the subconscious mind develops certain problems and deep thoughts through a story. The meaning of dreams can be quite metaphorical most of the time, although they are often accurate representations of emotional release in our lives.

Using hypnosis to address subconscious issues, some of which may have been hidden for some time, can actually help to “turn off” nightmares and promote more positive dream experiences. What you subconsciously think and dream is always filtered into your awareness through your conscious mind in everyday life.

In short, Origin presents a dramatic and engaging portrait of the human mind in an entertainment format. He opens up a world of possibilities but at the same time raises a great awareness of what has been used for many hundreds of years. Hypnosis is not magically entering the private parts of his mind and unleashing dark secrets and invading his thoughts, but simply a way of communicating with his subconscious to manifest more positive alternatives that affect his life. A skilled hypnotist can make changes that even Hollywood couldn’t dream of making in a movie, and better yet: there are literally thousands of reported cases and clinical trials proving this.

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