• May 18, 2024

Online Dating Tips for Facebook: How to Get a Beautiful Woman Without Looking Like You’re Trying

You already know that Facebook is undoubtedly the best social networking site. This is due to the extraordinary number of women, most of them are glued to their Facebook, but that doesn’t mean you have to be. To rate a beautiful woman on Facebook you have to take a very specific route because it is NOT a dating site and should not be treated as such. Here are some stellar tips that will lead you to one of the beauties you’ve been drooling over on Facebook.

1. Prepare your page

To attract a hottie on FB you have to have a profile that makes you look like you have friends and are fun. This means a lot of people writing on your wall, a reasonable amount of photos (10 or more), and friends. To gain more friends, exhaust everyone you know and then go to your friends; you will surely find people you have met and they will accept your request. Your photos should follow the same rules as online dating: you doing something cool like climbing a mountain, you in a suit, you with a beer “cheering up” your friends, and maybe a nice moody one for good measure. The good thing about FB is that you can control which photos are shown and which ones are not.

2. Be resourceful.

FB allows you to show these beauties how funny you are even before you interact with them. Your status updates should be fun and witty, never serious or boring. Never say that you are going to work, about to take a shower or any other boring activity. Instead, put things like “It’s time to get happy! Happy hour at Green’s ;)” or “…it’s the reason the glaciers are melting” etc. If you’re having trouble being witty, google “funny FB status” and you’ll find some gems. Do not update your status more than once a day. Fill out your personal information and the about me section in a light and fun way, never serious. Remember that this is not a dating site! It is an opportunity to show how smart you are. Example: For your favorite quotes, put the funniest movie quotes you like. A true catch will comment on how she loves that movie too.

3. Request with Agenda

Now that your profile is in top attraction shape, you’re ready to search for beauties. Go to your friends, scroll through all your friends, and when a hottie comes up, request them as a friend and add this message: “Hi (Annie!) Nice to meet you at the Art Walk last week! Hope you’re doing well.” receives this message, he will most likely accept the request and then write you a message like “You have the wrong person” to which you reply “That’s what I get for Facebook on my phone screen :/ sorry how you know? (mutual And you can take it from there. Don’t ever mention the Art Walk again.

4. Talking Cat

Once you’ve done this with all of your friends’ friends, you’ll create a hottie list. Sure, some of them will deny your request or blow your mind; It’s a numbers game like everything else in life. Some of them will happily accept, focus on them. Enter your chat and click on the new friend. Start the chat with something like “You’re bored at work too!” Or “I think you have better things to do in a _____ night than FB ;)” Online chat, whether it’s AIM, Yahoo Messenger, or any of the above, has one purpose: to build sexual tension. This is accomplished by jokingly teasing her and always taking twice as long as her to reply to your chats. Take a look at her profile, see what she likes, and remember that you can always talk about your mutual friend and how funny/cool they are, etc.

5. Move to kill

Once you’ve chatted a few times and maybe written on her wall for good measure, it’s time to take things to the next level: get her phone number. The best way to do this is to have something in mind that you know she would like. Example: She likes Katy Perry, talk to her or text her your friend gave you some tickets to Katy Perry and no one you know likes her, does she have any interest in going? Or if she likes to play pool, tell her that you and some friends are going to bar X, where they have the best pool tables in town, and you want to know if she “just talks or if she can walk the walk ;)” . However you choose to initiate, make it about one of her interests and she won’t feel uncomfortable giving you her number because she has established a relationship.

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