• May 18, 2024

Men and commitment – You told him you loved him – And now what?

You’ve been dating the man long enough to know that you like him. Really,

I really like the Diablos, you might even love it.

So you told him.

If he responded by taking you in his arms and using his

undying passion and fidelity, congratulations.

But if his face began to tremble, and he mumbled something

like, “Hey, I thought we were taking it easy,” or worse, “I love

but I’m not in love with you”, you have a situation in your


do not fear. Not everything is lost.

Keep calm. No, I repeat, do not shed tears (I am

begging you here).

Look him in the eye. She manages a laugh and I say, “Wow. Shame on you.”

He’ll probably say something like, “Hey, no problem. It’s just that

My skiing career just took off and I…”

This is where you interrupt.

You say, “No. Forget I said it.”

Change the topic. Stay kind. Smile as naturally as you

can without killing you.

If you’re in the middle of the night, it’s probably not a good idea.

call it a night (unless he’s scared and does it himself; in

in which case, give him a kiss on the cheek and walk out gracefully.)

Again, change the subject at all costs. Talk about the weather, yeah

you have to. Talk about the movie you watched with him or someone else.

Talk about the book you just read. Ask him if he is happy with his


The key is to steer the conversation in a new direction. once you

do that, you can let him take over.


Don’t allow yourself to drink too much. do not allow yourself

ask him about your relationship. Do not ask: “Remember all the

we had fun the night we went to the beach, and you said…” or “How

Can you say you want to move slow? I’m the best that ever existed

has happened to you and you will find out”, or “You love me but

aren’t you in love with me? And what does that mean?”

Let it go. Your mind may be full of question marks, but you

you should ignore them. It may kill you, but you must.

At the end of the night, tell him that you had a great time. Smile. Do not ask

to call you Don’t ask him when you’ll see him again. give him

that friendly kiss on the cheek. Smile. Thank you for a fun night.

Turn your back and walk away.


Will he call again? Should you call him?

I don’t know the answer to the first question, but I do know the answer to

the second. Do not call him under any circumstances.

You can’t convince anyone to like you, let alone love you.

But you can give him a chance to miss you if you don’t call. When you

you let your feelings for him out, you gave him a lot to think about.

Give him a chance to think about it.

Don’t call him.

If he calls you, you must determine if you are willing to spend

time with someone who is undecided about their relationship.

If you choose to do so, don’t (it won’t) be available every

the time he asks you to leave.

Either he’ll realize how much you mean to him, or he’ll realize

don’t miss you so much at all.

Either way, you win. If he loves you, great. But if you don’t, that’s

well, also why would you want to waste any more time with a guy who is

is not able to give you the love you deserve?

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