• May 6, 2024

Magnetic therapy can treat repetitive strain injuries: tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome

What is RSI, tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome?

Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) occur from repeated physical movements that damage tendons, nerves, muscles, and other soft tissues in the body. Occupations ranging from meatpackers to musicians have characteristic ROIs that can result from the typical tasks they perform. The rise in the use of lightweight, flat computers and keyboards that allow high-speed typing has resulted in an epidemic of injuries to the hands, arms, and shoulders. The use of pointing devices like mice and trackballs is just as much a cause, if not more. Thousands of repeated keystrokes and long periods of grabbing and dragging with mice slowly accumulate damage to the body.

The term repetitive strain injury (RSI) is not, in and of itself, a medical diagnosis. It is used to describe a number of named musculoskeletal conditions (such as tenosynovitis, hand cramps, tendinitis, etc.) as well as “diffuse RSI” which is more difficult to define but which recent research attributes to nerve damage. These are almost always of occupational origin. ‘Repetitive strain injury’ is a term similar to ‘sports injury’ in that it says more about how the injury was sustained, rather than what the injury actually is. This condition refers to tender inflammation of the tendons, the rope-like or cord-like structures that connect muscles to bones to work the body’s joints. When any group of tendons is overused, microscopic tears can occur, leading to inflammation. Even a minor contraction in the muscle can lead to further irritation.

Tendonitis most commonly affects the hand, wrist, elbows, and shoulders, although it can occur in any joint in the body. Other conditions may be related to inflammation of the tendons, such as tenosynovitis. Tendinitis produces local pain and tenderness. The thickening and scarring can prevent affected fingers or limbs from moving through their normal range of motion. The increase in pain and disability is usually gradual, unless the injury is the result of a sudden strain (tear) or a direct blow. The most common recognizable factor is tendon overload through repetitive physical activity. Certain sports can cause discomfort, and at work it can occur from excessive use of the keyboard, computer mouse, or routine work on the assembly line.

The carpal tunnel is a passageway in the wrist formed by the eight carpal (wrist) bones, which form the floor and sides of the tunnel, and the transverse carpal ligament, a strong ligament that spans the roof of the tunnel.

Within the carpal tunnel are tendons that run down from the muscles of the forearm and work to flex the fingers and thumb. Also passing through the tunnel is the median nerve, a cord about the size of a pencil, which returns information to the brain about the sensations you feel in your thumb, index, middle, and (occasionally) ring fingers.

In carpal tunnel syndrome, the median nerve becomes pinched, often because the tendons swell and overfill the tunnel. The median nerve within the carpal tunnel is very sensitive to pressure, so there are many possible causes, including arthritis, fluid retention, and diabetes. If the problem occurs during the day, it is important to look for a link with regular physical activities at work or at home, for example; writing, typing, using the computer mouse, DIY, housework or knitting. Repeated flexion and extension of the wrist, as is common in many work activities, can cause inflammation that puts pressure on the nerve. Work factors that can contribute to the condition include insufficient rest and awkward postures.

Magnetic treatment of RSI, Tendinitis and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

RSI, tendinitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome are injuries related to stress and overuse of the tendons and muscles of the body. Although most people associate them with the hand, wrist, and arm, RSIs can occur anywhere on the body where there is constant repetition of an action. These types of strain injuries are usually naturally acute rather than chronic and can be treated very successfully. The predominant goal with all of these conditions is to reduce inflammation surrounding tight tendons, muscles, and tissues, in addition to renewing damaged soft tissue. While conventional treatments revolve around the use of pain relievers, rest, splints, and even in some cases (carpal tunnel syndrome) surgery, magnets will work to treat the inflammation that is causing the condition to continue. Typical magnetic therapy treatments for these conditions would be:

1)RSI – Wherever the RSI is, the magnets should be placed directly over the stressed area. Straps or bandages are used most of the time, as they also provide an element of support, as well as magnetic therapy. For example, RSI in the back would be treated with an endorsement. As RSI damage is usually limited to soft tissues, muscles, and tendons, results can be seen fairly quickly as the magnetic field will reduce the swelling pressing on nerve endings within a few days (in most cases). ).

2) Tendonitis: Predominantly in the arm, it can be treated with straps placed around the injury or by wearing high resistance magnetic jewelry. If jewelry is worn on the wrist and the injury is in the elbow or upper arm, the force of the jewelry must be strong enough to allow the magnetic field to penetrate to the injury. As mentioned above, a magnetic field gets weaker as it moves away from the magnetic source. For this reason, jewelry must have at least 2000 Gauss/200 m Tesla per magnet.

3) Carpal tunnel syndrome: it is always located in the wrist and is very easy to treat with a magnetic wristband or bracelet. As with all conditions magnets should be used day and night to get the most benefit, this is particularly important with carpal tunnel syndrome as most symptoms occur at night (pins and needles, cramps, numbness, swelling).

These three foods are very painful and limit the mobility of the affected area, but do not have an underlying disease process such as arthritis or osteoporosis. The damage occurs as a result of the tasks that the victim performs on a daily basis. This means that once the symptoms have resolved, the condition is, in effect, ‘cured’ in such a way that it will not recur until the repetition has been performed again a significant number of times to cause the condition to recur. As a result, once the injury has resolved, patients can go long periods of time without any symptoms and when symptoms start to reappear, immediate application of magnets will resolve the pain very quickly.

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