• May 2, 2024

How the Real Housewives of New Jersey Changed My Life

My life changed the other night.

It was 10:00. He was sitting in front of the TV in my living room watching a baseball game. And, as usual, I was catching up on my company’s daily paperwork. My wife walked into the room and took the remote from me. She changed the channel to Bravo and together we watched The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

My life has never been the same.

I was fascinated. Who wouldn’t be? Ashley, who is Jacqueline’s 19-year-old daughter, got into a fight with Danielle and can you believe it, she ripped some of her hair extensions out in front of everyone. At a charity party, no less. Danielle was understandably upset. The police got involved. Husbands got involved. i got involved

This show makes the Sopranos look like English royalty. I need to watch more episodes, but the only way I’m going to be able to do this is to do more work during the day. I need to be more efficient if I’m going to make The Real Housewives of New Jersey a significant part of my life.

How am I going to do this? With good and productive technology for small businesses.

Your own social network

First, I’m going to reduce the number of service calls my people answer and try to get my customers to answer their questions faster. The more we work online, the more time I’ll have to watch Teresa and Jacqueline complain about Danielle. I am going to ask my webmaster to install a Chat4Support or Zopim gadget on my website so customers can chat with us online instead of wasting valuable TV time talking on the phone. And instead of meeting my high school friends on Facebook, I’m going to create my company’s own social network on Ning or Foruactivo so my clients can investigate issues themselves or post questions and we can respond with advice, support and articles.

Next, I’m going to remove all the different calendars from my company and improve the way my people schedule appointments. I’m sick of spinning wheels asking where everyone is or having to explain why we double booked a client visit. You should spend more time finding out how Danielle’s breast got infected and how you can prevent such things in the future. When scheduling internal appointments, I’ll either use Google Calendar (GOOG) or FindMyShift, or just pass everything we’re doing over to an online project management tool like Basecamp, Skylight, Ubidesk, or Wrike. And if I need to get outsiders involved, I’ll make more use of Tungle or Meetifyr to coordinate everyone’s available time.

I have too many things on my plate right now, so I’m going to outsource more. I’m going to find people to help me with my bookkeeping, telemarketing, customer service, and personnel issues on Elance or Guru. I don’t care where they live, I’ll connect them to my office via GoToMyPC or Logmein, or just give them access via my internal Windows Terminal Server (MSFT) on my private network. I am going to conference call with them using FreeConferenceCall or video chat with them via Skype (EBAY) or Oovoo.

subtleties of communication

I can also learn a few things from these fine ladies from New Jersey. For example, see the way they communicate? Lots of yelling and dropping the f-bomb. Of course, I can’t get away with it in my business, but I can certainly use technology to improve the way I communicate with my customers. I can make sure they receive frequent emails using services like Constant Contact and Jangomail. I can schedule frequent training webcasts with GoToWebinar and WebEx. I can record tips and examples on my computer and send them as screenshots to my clients using services like Screen Castle and Screen Jelly. Or I can just invite my clients to connect to my computer using Glance or CrossLoop so I can quickly share information with them.

A friend of mine in construction told me that he always watches past episodes of The Real Housewives of New Jersey on his iPod, which got me thinking: Hey, if I started making better use of mobile technology in my business, I could have more weather. to see these things on my iPod, too. So I’m going to have everyone at my company download Google Latitude, which is a free GPS service that allows me to track where everyone is. I’m going to try iVisit to help all of us video chat on our mobile devices. And Qik to capture videos or photos at a client’s site on a mobile device and quickly send them back to the office.

I’m also going to be smarter with my documents. If my people and subcontractors can share more stuff online, I figure that should free up some Housewives time for me. So I’m looking to expand my use of Zoho apps. They house word processing, spreadsheets, customer relationship management, project management, and other tools that anyone can use from anywhere. Or I can decide to use Microsoft’s Live service and put my Office files online. Or I can ditch Microsoft entirely and move to a fully hosted office system, like Google Apps, Open Office, Peepel, Feng Office, or Think Free. The key here is to access my files from anywhere, share this information with my people, and get things done quickly. That way I have time to see if Joe actually gets the vasectomy Theresa wants him to have. Oh.

Expand your cash flow

One thing that bothered me a bit when I watched the latest Housewives show: How can these people have so much money? I love them all, but they’re not exactly the smartest sharks in the tank. This show has motivated me to not only be more productive, but also to use technology to increase my cash flow. I’m going to sign up for services like PayPal, GoogleCheckout, and AcceptPay so my customers can easily pay me online. I’m also going to start billing more on the web, using apps like BillingBoss, Curdbee and InvoiceBubble to help me get invoices out faster so I can get my money faster. That way, the little lady can afford a trip on her own to the Paramus Mall, a favorite haunt of housewives.

The retribution of all this? My life will change. With the time saved, I’ll be able to rent the entire season 1 of The Real Housewives of New Jersey and sit and watch all day. I may even spend some of those extra hours working with the Real Housewives Makeover Tool on the Bravo (GE) website. And he thought these small business tech tools were JUST to save money. Silly.

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