• May 9, 2024

Herbal Weight Loss

Herbology recommends a total body approach when planning weight loss. With this in mind, you need to look beyond just cutting up the fries and pizza. First of all, you need to find out why your body is overweight and upset. Sure, you might overindulge in the fries and pizza, but in addition to nutrition, it may also have something to do with hydration, physical activity, bone structure, body type, genetic makeup, and body composition. bodily.

When thinking about adjusting your diet for weight loss and wellness, you must involve the liver. Your liver produces and excretes bile, essential for the digestive process. The liver is responsible for breaking down the myriad of potentially harmful substances our bodies are exposed to on a daily basis, such as medications, pollutants, and artificial food additives. Modern life keeps the liver busy even without the added stress of an inadequate diet.

Some basic liver functions involve

or metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins

o maintenance of blood sugar levels,

or the breakdown of amino acids

or activation of hormones such as estrogen

Basically, a happy liver is important for maintaining healthy blood, the proper functioning of the digestive system and the metabolism in general. Liver dysfunction can manifest itself in symptoms in other parts of the body, especially skin disorders.

To keep your liver happy, ease its load by watching what you eat and what you expose your body to.
There are many herbs known as liverworts that have been used to strengthen, tone, and stimulate the flow of bile. Balmony, Barberry, Dandelion, Golden Seal, Vervain, Wild Yam, and Yellow Dock are some of the most useful liverworts. The simplest, most readily available, and widely applicable herb for treating the liver is dandelion.

Drinking an infusion made from dandelion leaves or roots after each meal will help strengthen the liver, cleanse the body through the kidneys and if you add meadowsweet it will also help the stomach.

There are many herbal ways that can help you on your weight loss journey:

o Alfalfa is a diuretic that aids digestion. Its active components make fats more soluble.

o Burdock improves fat metabolism and acts as a diuretic. A very useful herb that detoxifies the blood and lymphatic system and is an excellent general blood purifier. Burdock root can help reduce cravings and hunger – to aid weight loss, make a standard decoction and drink between meals.

o Cayenne improves circulation and digestion. It increases your core body temperature, which in turn increases your metabolism.

o Chickweed has been shown to break down fat molecules. Often recommended in combination with burdock root which helps balance oils and fats in the body; chickweed breaks down fat, and burdock helps transport it out of the body. As a tea, it is an effective way to curb cravings, aid digestion, and aid weight loss.

o Cinnamon is another warming herb, it reduces cholesterol levels (the bad, not the good) and its effect on blood sugar makes it very useful against obesity, insulin resistance.

o Fennel is a diuretic that is said to reduce hunger and improve energy. Fennel seeds are often combined with nettles to make a helpful weight loss tea.

o Flaxseed is a bulk laxative that helps control hunger. Loaded with vitamins, it is a great source of protein and fiber and stabilizes sugar levels. Flaxseed expands five times in bulk when ingested, so if taken half an hour before meals, it will help you eat less. This can help you lose weight while strengthening your immune system.

o Green tea has a mild thermogenic effect and the catechin polyphenols in green tea extract are believed to increase the rate of calorie burning. Therefore, green tea can be a pleasant and mild way to boost metabolism.

o Hawthorn berries reduce blood fat and improve circulation. They are said to be extremely helpful with stagnant and undigested food accumulated in the stomach and improve thyroid function.

o Kelp is believed to be beneficial for people with thyroid problems for whom it is said to increase basal metabolic rate. It is important that you follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

o Nettles (one of my favorites) are rich in nutrition and help eliminate toxins. Nettle tea is used to curb appetite and cravings and aid in weight loss.

o Parsley is a great diuretic and nutritional aid. Combine parsley juice with carrot juice and drink to reduce hunger cravings. The same juice blend is also helpful in maintaining proper blood sugar levels and reducing blood sugar swings often associated with weight loss programs.

When incorporating herbs and herbal products into your health regimen, try to include fresh herbs, rather than just using dried and processed herbal products. Of course, it’s not always possible to get the above herbs in fresh form, but if you can get them, it would be a great idea to eat them every day, as fresh as possible. Instead of taking a capsule, eat a handful of fresh parsley. Experiment by trying each of your favorite culinary herbs prepared as a “diet” tea. Grow your own dandelion greens, bananas, mints, lettuce, you name it, and mix it up in your blender as your special dietary supplement. You will find that there are almost no calories in most herbs. Eating and living with herbs can start a lifestyle that is one step closer to permanent weight loss and wellness.

Herbs can be used to aid in the weight loss process. They may not be enough to achieve weight loss on their own, but when used in combination with dietary changes and moderate exercise, they can make most weight loss attempts very successful.

Weight loss programs are not recommended for pregnant or lactating women. If you are pregnant and/or nursing, consult a qualified herbalist before taking any herb.

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