• May 13, 2024

Fraternity and sorority team building games and exercises

The activities listed here are actual team builders, and you need to know a bit about your team members before you can do them. Before you start these games, you should do a few icebreakers to get everyone comfortable. Try games involving names or even simple tag games you played in grade school, then work your way up to these tougher team builders.

blind walks

Blindfolding people is a great way to help them build trust, but it can also be a great way to destroy trust within a group. Before you do anything while blindfolded, make sure that A) there are a couple of responsible sighted people around to make sure no one gets hurt, and B) the group is really taking the activity seriously. Of course, everyone needs to have fun, but they also need to know when to shut up and listen to instructions before they can continue with games like these.

There are many things you can do with blindfolded people, but one of the funniest is this:

1. Blindfold the whole group and tell them that you will choose leaders for them after everyone is blindfolded.

2. Quietly tap two people on the shoulders and move them away from the group. Explain that they are the new leaders and that they will have to lead the group from point A to point B without using words. They can make noises of any kind, as long as they don’t form a recognizable language, and they can’t touch anyone in the group.

3. Tell the group that they will now have to follow the leaders without revealing who the leaders really are. Give them two minutes to organize themselves in a way that eases their way, and then signal the leaders to start leading.

4. Have the group leaders follow you through any number of obstacles: down the stairs, up the stairs, under a table, between two trees, over a fence, etc. – that you know everyone in the group can handle. Make sure there are a few sighted people around to prevent people from getting hurt, but instruct sighted people not to touch a team member unless he is about to bump into something.

5. When the group finally reaches the end, after most likely having to stop and regroup several times, ask them to talk about what it was like to be led and have the leaders talk about what it was like. to try to lead.

Building games
There are tons of different games that you can make with basic building materials. If you are looking for something creative and competitive, this is a great activity to use. Here are some different materials and objectives that you can give to a group. Make sure they only use what you give them and give them a time limit and goal before they start.
• Build a marble race. Use PVC pipes and connectors and some marbles.
• Build a tower. Use toothpicks and glue.
• Build a catapult. Use PVC pipes, wooden blocks, and rubber bands.
• Build a shelter for all team members. Use paper, tape, and rubber bands.

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