• May 14, 2024

Can you get rid of psoriasis naturally with neem oil?

One thing to keep in mind is that there is currently no cure for psoriasis. However, many people who suffer from psoriasis have been able to find relief from psoriasis symptoms and/or keep psoriasis flare-ups to a minimum using various treatment approaches, including the use of many natural methods, such as natural oils. One of these natural oils that is much discussed for the natural treatment of psoriasis is neem oil. Can you get rid of psoriasis naturally with neem oil? We’ll see.

The wonders of neem

In Sanskrit, “neem” is derived from the term “nimba”, which means “bestowing good health”. This tree is native to India and has been a staple in Indian Ayurvedic medicine for over a thousand years.

According to the Neem Foundation in India, about 75 percent of Ayurvedic formulas include neem as a key ingredient. These formulas have been used to naturally treat various diseases and conditions.

Various parts of the neem tree like leaves, twigs, bark etc. are used for healing and neem oil is derived from the seeds of this tree.

The various effective uses of neem include but are not limited to;


This is probably the best known use of neem in the western world. There are many studies indicating that neem is capable of killing, repelling, or disrupting the damaging effects and reproduction of various agricultural pets like weevils, beetles, etc.

Neem can also be used as an insect repellant or personal ointment as it can act as an effective insect repellent to prevent various insects and mosquitoes from landing and feasting on you. Furthermore, studies have shown that even a small amount of neem can kill all mosquito larvae, some of which cause malaria in certain parts of the world without any risk to non-pest animals, unlike various chemical pesticides.

2. Dentistry

It is quite common for many Indians to chew neem tree twigs because neem ensures dental health according to various studies. The extract has been found to be able to kill bacteria that commonly cause plaque, cavities, and gum disease. Toothpaste containing neem extract is available at various health food stores.

3. Acne

This skin condition that affects most people can be treated naturally with neem because of its bacteria-killing properties that target acne-causing bacteria. This can help prevent acne breakouts and promote clearer skin.

4. Ulcers

Some studies have shown that neem can reduce stomach acid secretion and treat stomach ulcers using extracts of neem leaves or bark without significant side effects.

5. Birth control

Some studies have shown that neem leaf extract is spermicidal and can help prevent pregnancy to some extent.

Other possibilities of natural treatment with neem include warts, eczema, herpes, chickenpox, athlete’s foot, skin cancer, etc.

Can You Get Rid Of Psoriasis With Neem?

Neem features a complex blend of over 140 active ingredients that can help get rid of psoriasis naturally. While it is not a cure, there are many psoriasis sufferers who have been able to get relief from symptoms using neem. The following are some of the uses of neem for psoriasis that can help answer the question “can you get rid of psoriasis with neem?”

  1. Neem oil acts as an effective emollient, as it contains various fatty acids and natural vitamin E to help hydrate and soften dry skin, which can increase the risk of developing psoriasis symptoms if the skin is not kept well hydrated.
  2. Neem oil can boost skin health and enhance the skin’s natural immunity, which can help prevent breakouts.
  3. Neem oil, as mentioned above, is antibacterial, as well as being antifungal and antimicrobial, which can help prevent skin infections that can increase the risk of triggering psoriasis symptoms.
  4. Neem oil can treat skin redness and swelling associated with lesions, as well as relieve skin irritation and itchy lesions.
  5. Taking neem extracts from the leaves or bark internally can help boost the immune system, which can help you better fight psoriasis symptoms.
  6. Three active ingredients found in neem known as “nimbidin”, “nimbin” and “quercetin” are anti-inflammatory compounds that can help fight the development of psoriasis symptoms. Having a high level of inflammation in the body can increase the risk of developing various diseases and conditions, including psoriasis.

How to use Neem for the natural treatment of psoriasis

Neem oil is readily available as it is commonly used as a pesticide. For best results, use organic unrefined, cold-pressed, or expeller-pressed neem oil to ensure all the beneficial properties are present in the oil. Apply this oil to the face and/or body as many times as you like to combat dry skin, itchiness, inflammation, as well as treat lesions naturally.

Simply use the oil as you would any skin moisturizer or hot oil treatment (scalp psoriasis) or apply a few drops to your bath water before soaking in this water for about 15 to 20 minutes.

For internal use, No use neem oil because it is toxic! Use products that contain extracts from the leaves or bark, such as neem tablets, capsules, or tea.

You can consume the neem tea and/or soak the tea bags in hot bath water for at least 5 minutes and soak for 15 to 20 minutes.

Caution with the use of neem oil

As mentioned above, neem oil is toxic, so do not ingest it. Pregnant and lactating women, as well as infants and children, should avoid it.

If you use products that contain the extracts, simply follow the directions on the label.

Neem can cause allergic reactions, so keep this in mind.

Another point to keep in mind with neem oil is that STINKS! This may be a deal breaker for some, while it may not be such a big problem for others. This may be one of the reasons it makes a great bug repellent! If the smell bothers you so much, you can consider adding various essential oils like lavender, tea tree oil, peppermint, etc.

Can you get rid of psoriasis with neem oil or other neem products?

There are many positive results that have been observed from the use of various neem products, but especially neem oil, which make it a viable natural remedy for psoriasis, but like any other recommended psoriasis treatment, the fact that it works for a person does not mean that it is. it will work for you and vice versa. Experimentation with neem oil is the only way to determine if this natural remedy will help clear up psoriasis lesions.

Additionally, using neem oil while you are still dealing with chronic stress in your life, smoking, drinking, and many other activities that increase your risk of developing psoriasis symptoms can hinder your ability to get positive results from neem use.

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