• May 18, 2024

Can men get yeast infections? Oh yes they can!

Most men cringe at the site of their girl’s yeast cream in the bathroom cabinet or laugh awkwardly at the Monistat commercials on TV, but laugh no more, my friend! Can men get yeast infections? Yes sir!

Let me explain how men can get yeast infection; First of all, no human being, regardless of gender, is immune to the effects of fungal overgrowth in the body, and that overgrowth is what causes yeast infections. Each of us has Candida yeast in our bodies and something as simple as a low immune system can cause yeast to grow out of control. Men, just like women and children, can get yeast infections anywhere on the body, including in the mouth, on the skin, and, yes, on the penis. Oh.

Now that I’ve mentioned genitalia, I’m sure that’s what you’re most concerned about, so let me explain further. As you endure her cringing and holding back, your mind probably reels from trying to grasp the idea that you, too, may have what you’ve always considered a female problem and wondering how men can get yeast infections there. Well, you can get it from her. That’s right, your girlfriend, wife, lover, or any other woman you sleep with can give you a yeast infection, and since not everyone knows the symptoms, they may not even know they have it when they sleep with you. Scary huh? It’s not nearly as scary as the painful symptoms that await you if you have unprotected sex with a woman who has a yeast infection. Some of the symptoms include: redness, irritation, pain, swelling, rash, discharge…did I mention pain yet?

When I say that in order to keep yeast infections at bay, you need to take proper care of yourself, which also includes practicing safe sex. Using condoms will help protect you not only against other STDs, but also against the nasty yeast infection.

So will you laugh at those Monistat commercials? Better not. And the next time someone asks ‘can men get yeast infections?’ be a friend and tell them what you know.

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