• May 10, 2024

Best Search Engine Optimization Tips: 5 Simple WordPress SEO Techniques

In this article, you will learn the best search engine optimization tips for WordPress. WordPress is the most effective traffic generation program to use. However, some non-tech savvy small business owners avoid using WordPress because they think it is a difficult application. But is not. WordPress is fairly easy to learn and you can have a WordPress blog up and running in a matter of minutes.

Although search engines LOVE WordPress blogs, you still need to learn a few key points when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO) so that your blog posts can be found on the internet. And you don’t have to be an SEO expert to execute these simple SEO strategies for your blog. You just need a little knowledge and a willingness to apply what you learn so you can start seeing results.

Here are 5 simple WordPress SEO techniques

1 – PERMALINKS: When you create a new page or post, WordPress will generate a standard URL consisting of a question mark followed by numbers. When you use these raw links, it is difficult for search engine spiders to adhere to them. As a result, the site will not appear in directories. So to avoid this, a special permalink code is needed. The code should be placed in the custom permalinks section of your WordPress admin. Just go to ‘settings’ then ‘permalinks’ then choose ‘custom’ and put this code in the field: /%post_id%/%postname%/ and click save. Now, instead of having a long, ugly URL, you’ll have a URL with whatever keyword you assign to it when creating your post.

2 – TITLE: When creating your blog posts, make sure to put the keyword you are using for your post in the title. Since spiders read from left to right, it’s best to add your keyword first and then your blog post title. For example: Let’s say your keyword is “Best Search Engine Optimization Tips”, write your title to look like this: “Best Search Engine Optimization Tips: 5 Simple WordPress SEO Techniques”. Always start the title with your keyword and then put your actual title next to it. And try to come up with catchy titles to entice your target readers to click on your post.

3 – BODY: While writing the content of your blog post, make sure to start your first sentence in your first paragraph with your chosen keyword. Then, as you continue to write, simply incorporate your chosen keyword no more than 3 times throughout the article. Don’t overdo it because it will look spammy and search engines won’t like it.

4 – TAGS: WordPress has a section on the right side of your post section called TAGS. This is where you will put the keywords for your blog post. The best thing you can do is not to put more than 2 or 3 relevant keywords. Anything more than that will confuse the spiders when it comes to indexing your content. The first keyword tag should be the keyword you are using in your title. So, for example, if your keyword is “Best Search Engine Optimization Tips” then that should be the first keyword in the TAG section. And the other 2 keywords would be perhaps “Best SEO Tips” and “Simple WordPress SEO Techniques”. Again, just make sure it’s relevant to your post.

5 – PING SERVICES: The use of ping services such as pingomatic.com or pingoat.com allows you to send signals to search engines to inform them that you have published new content on your site. When you alert them, they send the spiders to your site to crawl your content and index it accordingly.

So, as you can see, optimizing your WordPress site is not as difficult as many people think. You can also install a free SEO plugin for additional optimization within WordPress. The top 2 are ALL-In-One-SEO and HeadSpace2.

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