• May 18, 2024

back pain when breathing

Back pain when breathing is usually the result of a muscular problem in the upper back. The back muscles are located very close to the lungs; when we inhale, the lungs expand, forcing the muscles in the upper back and chest to move. A strained muscle in your upper back can cause this movement to trigger a sharp pain or ache.

The muscles of the upper back: the latissimus dorsi, which runs from the middle of the back to below the armpit, the rhomboids, which run from the shoulder blade to just below the neck, and the trapezius, which runs extends from the mid-spine to the shoulder and neck. – can cause pain when breathing when forced. These muscles are strained either by injury or prolonged poor posture.

Rigorous sports or poor body mechanics can leave you with an injured upper back muscle. These muscles, which are used primarily for pushing and pulling, can become tight if the work you’re trying to do exceeds the strength of your muscles.

To correct back pain when breathing caused by an injury, you must allow the injured muscle to repair itself by avoiding activities that stress it. Once the muscle heals, you can gradually recondition your upper back to make it strong and capable.

Poor posture is probably a more widespread cause of back pain when breathing than a back injury. Slouching, that classic example of poor posture, causes the pectoral muscles in the chest and the teres minor muscle in the armpit to shorten in length, since the upper back is rounded and the shoulders rounded in this position. These muscles become chronically tight, putting a strain on the shoulders and back. As the muscles in the upper back become overstretched and tight, they become weak.

Tight muscles cause pain when we try to use them. With each breath, the back muscles move. This constant use of weak muscles can lead to chronic upper back pain, triggered markedly with each breath.

The situation worsens when the back muscles begin to spasm. For starters, tight muscles have a hard time receiving a healthy amount of fresh blood. Blood is pumped in and out of the muscles during a relax/contract cycle. Since tense muscles cannot relax or contract properly, they do not receive the proper amount of nutrients and oxygen from the blood. Muscles deprived of oxygen suffer spasms or forced contractions; This is the body’s way of trying to end pain and protect the muscle by limiting movement. However, the muscles in the upper back must move in order for us to breathe; when they spasm, movement can cause severe pain. The risk of back spasms in this situation is increased by the fact that the slouched posture constricts the lungs and limits the amount of oxygen that circulates through the body.

If poor posture is the cause of your pain, then your body will need to be retrained to improve posture for treatment. First, tight chest muscles must be restored to their natural length. This is best done with the use of a foam roller in a technique called self-myofascial release. Once the chest muscles have been lengthened, the upper back muscles can be conditioned to hold the head up. See http://www.everydayhealth.com/back-pain/upper-back-exercises.aspx for a list of exercises anyone can do to strengthen their upper back.

Practicing proper posture is about more than having enough strength; Since your body has learned the old pattern, it will require attention and possibly the help of ergonomic accessories such as lumbar supports, cushions, and footrests to encourage proper posture. If the damage caused by your previous posture is severe, you may need a physical therapist or other professional to guide you through exercises and stretches for many of the muscles in your body.

Back pain when breathing is rarely the sign of a serious condition affecting the lungs. If you have chest pain with back pain, it is advisable to see a doctor. If not, your pain is likely a sign that your back muscles are unhealthy and need attention. Breathing shouldn’t be a pain; start your back pain management plan sooner rather than later.

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