• May 18, 2024

Astrological Factors and House Building – Astrological Predictions 2010

Not only does man, the pinnacle of creation, have the instinct to own a house, but it can also be found throughout the animal kingdom. The honeycomb cells of bees are the paragons of mathematical skill and economy, while anthills are famous for their strength. So this fundamental instinct can never be the exclusive possession of man. But I am sorry to say, man, due to arrogance and pride, often does not pay attention to astrological factors that are as important as the choice of a site or the planning of construction.

A house may appear splendid and beautiful in its appearance, and it may also have all the fixtures in accordance with sanitary principles; here we find that the external factors that can be called the morphology of the house are intact. But has due consideration been given to the psychological or internal factors involved? Every natural object has the ability to radiate cosmic force in various forms. The materials used for the construction and the beginning of the construction itself involve the incursion and interaction of a progression of such invisible forces that the chosen time should be able to exert forces congruent with these invisible radiations. The ancient Maharshis understood the meaning of the interaction of these forces between the elements of nature and man, although in modern times it was a Russian engineer and scientist, Georges Lakhovsky, who proved their reality.

Everything in nature, whether animal, vegetable or mineral, is generated and destroyed by the effects of the sun’s rays and their different modifications. Many great buildings, made for individual use or for the community or nation, have been the cause of the downfall of the parties involved. It cannot be said that the structures that have imposed loss or ruin on the promoters of the plans have not been made with good engineering skills. When large sums of money are used for such projects, it is normal to think that the best brains in the field of engineering have been evaluated and the greatest care has been taken to obtain the correct materials. If the best materials and the best intellects are used, one can naturally expect that the results will also be the best.

On the contrary, it has been proven that some structures are safe in the merciless hands of time while others collapse very soon; some bring wealth to the owner while others cause misery, unhappiness and ultimate destruction. It cannot be considered as accidents that while some constructions are secured in the ruthless hands of savage conquerors, others close to them or that form an essential part of them were destroyed by circumstances. There is definitely a reason for these disparities in the fate of a building. The reasons must be investigated far beyond the superficial layers of argument and common conception. The explanation can be found in the noble works of astrology conceived by the sages.

When a construction begins at a time when there is much power in the materials, which can be determined by astrological rules, when the effects acting against the forces of adhesion, cohesion and chemical combination, etc., are counteracted by stellar influences and zodiacal, when the magnetic forces are beneficial for the unification and long life of the materials, they are considered to prosper for a long time.

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