• May 18, 2024

Why is it important for the unhealed soul to heal?

The unhealed soul can be recognized by the life it lives and the stories it tells. Could you be one of those souls that walk without healing? Are you living a life free from the dark shadows of the past and fully aware that the circumstances of your life belong to you? Or are the stories of your life filled with pain and a talking point for everything that is going wrong in your life?

Each of us tells stories. Those stories have within them the power to empower or disempower others. As we examine the content of our stories, think for a moment about the goals of telling the story. You see, sometimes we unknowingly feel the need to give people details of a story just so they can offer us some sympathy. Sometimes it is necessary to discuss something that bothers us, but with a trusted person, someone who can be objective; However, we must recognize if we are one of those people who always have several stories to tell about what has happened to us. If this fits with something you may be experiencing, you may consider that some areas of your life are in need of healing.

It has been said that hurting people hurts people. Watching a victim is painful, but it’s even more painful when they can’t see a way out of the pain. Consider this for a moment, any area of ​​your life that is not right, is not working as it should, with vitality and vitality. In other words, the stories you share and your reasons for not living a vibrant and vital life may be causing harm to those around you. Do you keep blaming others for the reasons why your life is not as you would like? Worse yet, are you sharing that information with your children? Some people in the name of protecting their children tell them stories that are full of judgments, pain and things that the child does not have the power to change. This does great harm to children because it tells them to bear the pain of a problem that is not their place to solve. However, this is what happens when we are not healed in certain areas of our lives. We live restrictions! We complain! We judge! we hate! We tell one-sided stories! We hope that who we tell lives our pain with us! We place expectations on others without really understanding that we are disempowering ourselves at the same time, not to mention destroying a relationship.

This may be you, and if it is, I encourage you not to ask others to share pain that you may not be willing to address. If you seek to heal from your failures, your lack of faith in yourself, your hatred towards others, your pain and resentments, you will automatically teach others to do so by example. They will be strengthened by seeing you win. If you are the unhealed soul, do everything you can to heal yourself. Get help because somewhere, someone is affected by your lack of healing. Let those you love and care for know and understand that your pain has nothing to do with them. Let them know that the stories you tell are only one side of the story and that it would be better for them if they fully understood you by not taking on your pain. If you know someone who is going through this, encourage them and let them know that by overcoming their pain, they will have a different story to tell, one that will leave a good legacy for those they leave behind. Encourage those people who have the power to change by letting go of pain and learning to heal. Together we can do our part in empowering the next generation by loving them enough to heal our wounds and tell stories of self-improvement.

Our future as a society, country and world depends on the stories we share with children. Let’s share stories that lift them up, encourage them, and fill them with faith that they, too, can overcome whatever comes their way.

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