• May 5, 2024

Penile skin and cortisone: a complicated combination

When someone has itchy skin, they often turn to cortisone cream. This topical cream can work wonders for temporary itching, and many men who have penile itching will seek it out before trying other things. That can be a problem, as cortisone creams can be bad for the skin on your penis.

When a man has a rash, redness or itching symptoms on his penis, he should remember that the skin on the penis is very sensitive and thin. This means that what he can handle on, say, your arm or his leg will have a different effect when it’s on his penis. Using this cream can often result in shiny penile skin that looks waxy and thin. However, there are ways to use cortisone cream without actually damaging the skin, especially if it is used only occasionally.

understanding cortisone

Cortisone is a topical cream, intended to be used on the skin. It is actually a very low dose of steroid, meant to soothe the skin and heal small problems like a minor rash. But the biggest use for cortisone cream is to relieve itching, especially in allergic conditions. Many people have put a dose of cortisone cream on poison ivy and similar rashes, as well as mosquito bites and other itchy insect bites. They use it for eczema, some forms of psoriasis, and contact dermatitis of all kinds. The cortisone stops the allergic reaction, giving almost instant relief from itching. It lasts from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the severity of the itching.

cortisone side effects

In most cases, there are no side effects from occasional use of cortisone cream. However, those who use excessive amounts of the cream may notice redness and skin irritation, or a lightening of the area where the cream was rubbed. This lightening effect is especially true for those who have darker skin. The skin can also become thin, making it easy to tear and abrade. As the skin begins to thin, a burning sensation may occur when adding more cream. Putting a bandage over the area can exacerbate the burning sensation.

How to use cortisone on the skin of the penis

It is important to remember that the skin on the penis is thin to begin with and is very sensitive. Therefore, any use of cortisone cream should be considered very carefully. When a man chooses to use cortisone cream for penile itching, he should do the following:

Check with the doc. There may be an underlying cause for the itching that can be easily removed with some other, more penis-friendly medication. Some reasons for a rash or itching may not respond to cortisone cream, so it’s also good to know this before a man starts using something that could affect the skin on his penis.

Check the dose. Always apply the smallest amount possible to cure the itch. Start with half the recommended dose in the tube, then go up from there.

Never use on irritated skin. If there are breaks, cuts, scrapes, or abrasions on the skin, do not use cortisone cream. This allows the cream to penetrate under the skin, which can cause a severe burning sensation and could lead to other problems as well.

Use it for a short period of time. If penis itching persists for more than a week, see a doctor. The cortisone may be working when applied, but there is an underlying cause that needs to be addressed: a man can’t be on cortisone forever!

Wear it without clothing. A man will want to use the cream during a time where he can let the equipment hang free, as the area needs to breathe. Remember, covering the area can cause all kinds of unwanted side effects.

Stop scratching. A man’s fingernails can cause breaks in the skin that lead to infection. If the cortisone doesn’t work, don’t keep scratching the problem. Go to the doctor as soon as possible and explain that the cortisone has not helped.

Use a moisturizer. Whether used in conjunction with cortisone cream or after using it, a moisturizer can help ensure that penile skin remains supple and smooth, regardless of steroid use.

take care of the skin of the penis

When a man uses cortisone cream, he should also use a high-quality penis health cream. (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil which has been clinically proven to be safe and gentle on the skin). This cream will help protect the skin of the penis through a combination of wonderful ingredients designed to soothe and moisturize.

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