• May 3, 2024

Water-powered cars offer the solution

Have you heard of water powered cars? They are becoming very popular as people frantically search for a way to save money on gas. But what is a water-powered car?

Since water doesn’t actually burn, how on earth can you run a car? It will turn into steam if you heat it and boil it. The answer is that it will not power a car. Remember, water doesn’t burn and we need something that burns to run our internal combustion engines. But, water is made up of oxygen and hydrogen. And, the hydrogen will burn. It will burn quite easily and we have known this for many years. And oxygen will change the flash point of fuels depending on the concentration. So water, a substance we’ve always relied on to put out fires and quench our thirst, is made up of some potentially dangerous elements.

That brings us back to the topic of water-powered cars. What we’re really talking about is cars that use hydrogen in a quantity of water to help power our car. I say assist, because most water-powered cars still use gasoline or diesel as their primary fuel and only incorporate hydrogen in gaseous form so they use less gasoline or diesel and therefore get more miles per gallon of fuel. So maybe we should call these vehicles gasoline-hydrogen cars.

However, this technology has been around for many years. We just didn’t use it much because oil or petroleum products were so plentiful. That situation is changing and now people are looking for more information to help add the kit to their cars and trucks to take advantage of the money they can save. Many people just don’t understand the theory behind the separation of hydrogen from water. They just think the water won’t burn, so this can’t work.

But it works. You can buy a guide online that will walk you through the details and, with a little mechanical knowledge, build and install a system to separate hydrogen from water and improve fuel economy.

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