• May 17, 2024

8 possible causes you’re not losing weight

Nothing is more frustrating and discouraging when hard work doesn’t pay off, especially when it comes to exercising and eating right. It’s frustrating going through all the weight loss steps – staying focused and persevering, yet after all your effort, you have very little to show for it.

The science of Ayurveda has a new and different approach to exercise and weight loss, one you probably haven’t heard of, and the results are astonishing. Ayurvedic concepts of diet and exercise are different from the typical North American diet and exercise model.

Here is a testimonial from one of my clients:

I went to see Erica for some health issues and wanted to lose some weight. Erica evaluated me and came up with a health and weight loss plan designed specifically for me! It included an Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle plan and some specific Ayurvedic treatments. I have lost 18 pounds, my sleep has improved, I have less joint pain and no more vertigo. The plan was easy to follow and I never felt deprived. I feel great.

One of the first things that is noticeably different is that the Ayurveda diet is based on the elemental qualities in you and the foods you are consuming. The qualities of earth, water, fire, air and space must be consumed in a way that is suitable for you. The food and its qualities will be determined by an Ayurvedic evaluation. The other notable difference is that we all need to live in relation to our food and lifestyle. There is an interconnection between you, your food, your habits, and the natural world. And to lose weight you must take this into account.

Almost everywhere we look in nature, there are creatures that participate in some kind of constant daily routine. The natural world in general is deeply influenced by the rhythms of nature: the rising and setting of the sun, the cycles of the seasons, and the underlying impulses that direct the larger community of life. While there is often some degree of seasonal variation, many plants and animals adopt and generally follow a predictable daily rhythm. As human beings, we have largely moved away from this habit. But at the most fundamental level, our physiology is highly adapted and supported by some sense of regularity. Food is no exception to this regularity.

Here are some simple reasons why you are not losing weight and how Ayurveda can help:

You are not eating the right foods. Eat foods that meet your basic needs.

You are not eating enough. This concept is simple: eat more of the right foods. You’re probably thinking, ‘Do you eat more to lose weight’? Surely that may not be correct. ‘ It may seem counterintuitive, however if you really aren’t eating enough of the right foods, chances are you won’t be able to lose weight.

It is more important when you eat than what you eat. In North America, people eat 5-6 small meals a day, whereas with an Ayurveda diet, you eat three meals a day at the same time every day. Eat your largest meal at noon. This principle is aligning your eating patterns with nature. The sun is at its highest point at noon, which is a signal for the body. In America, we eat our largest meals at dinner. Many times only a few hours before sleeping.

You are eating too many inappropriate foods. Sometimes eating less is important. If your digestion is poor or you have a habit of eating when you are not very hungry, you will need to eat less. In Ayurveda, different amounts of food are needed at different times depending on your health. If you are overconsuming the wrong foods, losing weight will be more difficult.

You’re stressed. Does stress play a bigger role in your daily life than you would like? For many of us, the answer to this question is a resounding YES! Stress is a reasonably universal aspect of the modern human experience, and while some stress is acceptable, even productive, we now understand that too much stress will be quite damaging and could compromise our health physically, mentally, and emotionally. Ayurveda offers a beautiful perspective on stress management, especially when it comes to eating. Don’t get involved in stressful environments when you eat. Eat in a calm and beautiful environment. If you’re at work, don’t eat at your desk or in the car. Get out there and sit in the park! Also use meditation and breathing exercises to decrease stress.

You are exercising too much. In fact, we may end up doing more harm than good. If we haven’t fed our bodies properly, exercise can be quite stressful, causing excess production of cortisol (the stress hormone), which often leads to weight gain.

You don’t get enough sleep. You guessed it: Lack of sleep or not being able to see at the right time doesn’t just have an effect on our mood and concentration. If you don’t get enough sleep or go to bed too late, it can affect your ability to maintain a healthy weight. On top of that, when you are tired, your body actually releases more hormones that make you feel hungry. This means, again, that you think you need food when your body doesn’t really need it.

You love to drink cold water. Drink only ½ cup of warm water with your meals. Never consume cold water.

So what are the solutions?

In Ayurveda, digestion is the root of all diseases and conditions. When you are eating the wrong food at the wrong time or not following any of these examples, you are causing the food to be digested incorrectly. When food is not digested properly … “AMA” is created. Ama is the precursor to most diseases.

Make sure you eat enough. Instead of counting calories and concentrating on that, focus on eating lots of fresh produce, whole grains, lean protein, and drinking lots of water so you don’t accidentally eat when you’re actually dehydrated. Get enough sleep too.

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