• May 19, 2024

5 QUICK title techniques

Did you know that your book title is responsible for up to 90% of your book’s initial drawing power? If that sounds incredible, did you know that your book title can grab your prospective reader by the neck and lure them into reading it? Everything is within reach of the first impression.

Here are five QUICK book title techniques to help you get your book titled right.

1. Quantify your title. Put a number in the title of your book. Researchers say twelve numbers or less in titles are the best. Most of the time, using a number serves as a self-timer for curiosity. When the author wrote Five Quick Techniques for a Book Title, most people (who are interested in creating a better title) want to immediately read the five techniques that will create a better title.

2. Upgrade your title from mysterious to understandable. I must admit that mysterious and creative titles will catch your readers’ attention. But do they finish the job? I mean, do they attract attention, attract your potential reader to read, and then deliver or disappoint? What you need to do is create a creative yet understandable title that starts and ends. For example, my creative and mysterious title “Three little pigs went to market, but one was faster” piqued my curiosity in readers. But the revised version achieved my goal much better as “Three small books hit the market, but one was faster.”

3. Spark interest with your headline. Make a big promise and keep your book. When using a big promise, consider it carefully and use it sparingly; then make your big promise and deliver. Or ask a question that makes your readers want to open your book and read to find out how you answered. For example, one author suggested using the question, “Should all dads marry a stepmother?” He said it was a question his son asked. He believes that it is a question that personifies the pain and confusion that children of divorced parents feel and, more importantly, they need help to overcome it.

4. Create an attractive title. Marketers and advertisers alike exercise this technique to the fullest. Why do you think jingles and phrases linger in our minds for months and years after a commercial is published? If they do it well enough, they effectively brand your product or service. In the same way, create a catchy headline that resonates in the minds of your readers. Use catchy phrases, rhymes, and alliterations. Alliteration is the use of successive words that begin with the same letter. Alliteration also occurs when titles include repeated consonants. Did you notice the alliteration ‘title techniques’ in the title of this article?

5. Consider your reader. Consider your audience’s greatest need or challenge. In your title, indicate that the solution is within the pages of your book. Or bid on your book title to reveal industry secrets. You will get additional interest in your book. All because everyone wants to discover the well-kept secrets of their field. The word ‘secrets’ itself implies that you are getting something that you are not supposed to have access to.

Don’t wait any longer. Now is the time to create the best title for your book. If you don’t create an attractive title for your book, your message may never get the sales and attention it deserves. So, use the five QUICK techniques above: quantify your title, level it up to understandable, spark interest with a question or great promise, create a catchy phrase, and keep your reader in mind. You have the techniques; Now go create your best title and prosper!

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