• April 27, 2024

11 reasons why dogs bark and how you can stop them

It is as natural for a dog to bark as for a child to speak. Therefore, we should not expect that a dog will never bark. However, if the barking has become too excessive to the point of irritating neighbors, you should remove the dog from accumulation areas, confine it to a soundproof room, or train the dog to stop barking. To prevent the dog from barking, we must first understand the cause of the problem.


Let’s explore the reasons for dog barking:

# 1. Communication

Barking is a form of communication. If you listen carefully there are different tones and different types of barks.

# 2. Intrusion

Dogs are territorial and protective against any intruder. The duty of a guard dog is to protect property. It will naturally bark to alert you to potential intruders when it detects any intrusion from people or dogs. The closer the threat, the louder the barks. When the dog is aggressive, it adopts a threatening posture, with its tail high and its ears pointed up and forward.

# 3. Spirit

Some people say that animals are sensitive to the presence of invisible spirits or ghosts.

# 4. Reaction to noise

Some dogs bark when the car passes, when the doorbell rings, or when the neighbor’s dog barks.

# 5. Attention

Dogs bark because they want attention. They want something, maybe they are hungry or thirsty. They want to go out and play. They want a treat.

# 6. Boredom

Dogs can become frustrated if they are confined to the same place for an extended period of time or if they are left outside day and night. Dogs are pack dogs and they don’t like to be left alone for a long time. If they get bored or sad, they will bark.

# 7. Fear

They bark when they are afraid, whether it’s objects, people, places, other animals, or loud noises like thunder and fireworks. How do you know if the dog is afraid? The ears are back and the tails are kept low.

# 8. Emotion

Dogs can be playful and excited when greeting people or other animals. It is usually a happy bark, accompanied by tail movements and sometimes hopping.

# 9. Health problem

We must not rule out that the barking may be caused by deafness because you cannot hear yourself barking. It could be due to age-related dementia.

# 10. Separation anxiety

Dogs, when left alone, can suffer from separation anxiety. They present symptoms such as rhythm, depression and destruction.

# 11. Compulsive barking

Compulsive thieves bark just to hear the sound of their voices. They also tend to perform repetitive movements, such as running in circles.


It is a natural instinct for a dog to bark and we must not suppress this instinct.

The dog must be taught when to bark and when not to bark. When the dog barks for a good reason, for example, someone is at the door or entering his territory, praise him. When you let the guest into your home, you give the dog an order to stop barking.

Bring your finger to your lips and give the command “Silence” in a calm, firm voice.

Train your dog to understand the word “Silence.”

However, if the dog barks at the wrong time or for the wrong reason, then we must not allow this problem to continue. The barking of a dog is not welcome when the dog does not stop barking and those incessant barking annoys neighbors, especially in construction areas.

To solve the problem, find out what is causing the problem.

If the barking is due to boredom, take the dog to work every day. Play with it for at least an hour a day. If the barking is for attention, then give it plenty of attention by spending time with it. A dog is not a toy to be left alone; it is a living animal with feelings and needs affection and interaction. Spend time taking him for a long walk or run. Play ball. Take a trip to the dog park. When the dog is tired, he will be calm.

Send the dog to a vet for a checkup, as some medical problems can cause excessive barking. These problems can range from dementia, brain disease, pain to senility.

There are some methods to solve the problem of a dog’s barking.

Someone suggested a bean solution in a can. Put the beans in a can and close it. When the dog barks, shake the can hard near the dog and say “No” firmly.

As soon as the dog stops barking, praise him.

For the quick and effective way to stop your dog from barking, let Harry Quek show you the Koehler Method in his personal dog training program.

For inquiries, visit http://koehleracademy.com

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