• May 17, 2024

Cure Depersonalization Disorder and Derealization Symptoms

To truly cure depersonalization disorder (including derealization symptoms), you need to attack it on several different levels. If you don’t follow this advice, you could stay with the disorder for years or even decades.

Depersonalization is caused by disorganized attachment, emotional abuse, dysfunctional family systems, interpersonal trauma, chronic stress, exposure to traumatic events, obsessive and distorted thought patterns, and use of specific drugs such as marijuana and hallucinogens. Several of these factors (but not necessarily all) will be present in anyone with depersonalization disorder (DPD).

Each level needs to be addressed for a full recovery to occur.

Let’s start with the first item in the list:

Develop Earned Security

A disorganized attachment style is caused by suboptimal parenting during a child’s early childhood. This attachment pattern creates a tendency within a child towards dissociation when faced with stressful circumstances. As this child grows up, he is likely to dissociate if he encounters a strong enough stressor.

You may be wondering, “If I have a disorganized attachment, can I do something about it?” The answer is absolutely yes.

You have to acquire a secure attachment. Security, also known as autonomous attachment, can be acquired in adulthood. This is known to attachment therapists as “earned security.”

Participate in emotional expression to overcome emotional abuse

To overcome emotional abuse, you must first become aware of the fact that you were emotionally abused as a child. Many victims of emotional abuse are not even aware that this occurred. Second, you must participate in emotional expression, also known as emotional discharge. Expressing repressed emotions can often instantly get rid of feelings of derealization.

Overcome the legacy of your dysfunctional family system

Most people with depersonalization come from dysfunctional family systems. In the most general sense, a dysfunctional family is one in which one of the parents has a problem and all the other members of the family are forced to adapt their thoughts, feelings and behaviors to adapt to this person’s problem. These ways of being take root in each member of the family, so that even if they leave the family system, they have dysfunctions in their thinking, feeling and behavior. Most people with depersonalization have suffered from these environments and have not yet corrected these problems.

The four main types of dysfunctional families are the alcoholic or chemically dependent family system, the emotionally or psychologically disturbed family system, the physically or sexually abusive family system, the religiously or rigidly dogmatic fundamentalist family system. The four “rules” shared by each of these systems are rigidity, denial, silence, and isolation. In these families, it is difficult for children to develop a strong sense of self. Dissociation is often a way for children in these families to disconnect from pain.

Codependency, entanglement, perfectionism, low self-esteem, and narcissistic grandiosity are other problems for people from dysfunctional families. All of these problems greatly contribute to the duration and intensity of depersonalization and derealization.

Be assertive to avoid future interpersonal trauma

Interpersonal trauma is often more severe than traumatic events. Interpersonal trauma is also seen in people with borderline personality disorder (BPD), which is often comorbid with depersonalization disorder. Assertive communication is important for people with PD to learn. By becoming assertive, rather than submissive or aggressive, you can learn to interact with the social world in a healthy way.

Learn to eliminate chronic stress

Anxiety is closely related to PD. Learning relaxation techniques such as abdominal breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, peaceful visualizations, and paying attention to your emotional needs are essential skills to avoid stress, which acts as fuel for PD. In modern society, stress is chronic. Taking a break from goal-related activity is extremely important. 20 minutes of mindful meditation can be extremely therapeutic. Eliminating caffeine and other stimulants is important for reducing stress.

Also, increase your protein intake and eat more whole vegetables and fruits. It is also important to combine aerobic and anaerobic exercise regimens to optimize the stress-reducing benefits of exercise.

30 minutes of moderately intense running 3 times a week, in addition to a weight lifting program, can dramatically lower levels of stress hormones (cortisol, adrenaline, etc.). Studies in mice have found that exercise builds resistance against stress, which can help reduce anxiety.

Heal a wounded self

In depersonalization disorder, there is a break in a person’s sense of self. When this missing piece returns to a person’s consciousness, they may feel repersonalized. Codependency is when a person is addicted to changing others, rather than changing himself.

There is a reported case in the literature of an African American woman who became depersonalized due to growing up in a white family and never spoke of being black. There is likely an element of the self that has been disowned or repressed because it causes shame or pain. This element of self must be made aware and reintegrated into a person’s sense of self.

The self could have been hurt in a traumatic event or by doing something that was interpreted as embarrassing or out of place.

Correct obsessive and distorted thought patterns

Depersonalization is on the obsessive-compulsive spectrum and is often exacerbated by obsessive self-reflection and distorted thought patterns. Learning distraction techniques can help eradicate personal focus.

Autofocus worsens depersonalization. The obsession with philosophical questions such as the meaning of life, eternity, questions of space, and the contemplation of insoluble existential questions worsens depersonalization. These problems are actually ways for people with PD to avoid and ignore their own real needs.

It is essential to focus on your life goals and not existential problems.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is also helpful in overcoming illogical thoughts. Emotional reasoning is the most common thought distortion among people with depersonalization. This is where feelings are used as justification for thoughts. For example, if you feel unreal, you can assume that you are in fact not real and will question aspects of your existence. This is illogical.

Perceive the world as normal

People with depersonalization find things “strange” and “weird.” When you see everything as normal, you eliminate this source of anxiety. Everything is normal. Nothing is strange or strange. Things are only perceived as strange or weird when they go against our preconceptions.

If your preconceived idea is that the Earth is flat, then you realize that it is in fact round, you may think this is “weird”, when in fact it is normal.

If your preconceived idea is that matter is completely solid and you discover that atoms are mostly empty spaces, you can conclude that this is “strange.”

Realizing that everything in the universe is in fact normal can help eliminate existential fear and anxiety.

Develop goals and meet priorities

It is extremely important to work on developing personal goals and setting priorities. By adopting an optimistic attitude and focusing on the things you really want to achieve, you can generate a sense of purpose within yourself that repels feelings of depersonalization.

To achieve what you want to accomplish, you need to break tasks down into small, manageable chunks, and address the most important priorities before the less important goals. By having a sense of direction in your life, you will feel much more grounded in reality.

By following the tips above, you will develop a fully integrated sense of self, leading to the eradication of both depersonalization and derealization symptoms.

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