• May 3, 2024

How to remove Snapchat Best Friends

As one of the best video and photo sharing apps available, Snapchat’s recent press release reported that more than 500 million snapshots are sent and received daily. One of the most popular features of Snapchat is the best friends list, which is hated and loved alike. Users enjoy this feature due to its easy availability to exchange snapshots with people you often take photos with, and it is equally hated because it displays the Best Friends list on your profile, which means anyone can see it.

Snapchat best friends list explained

Snapchat’s best friends, or your “top list,” as they are informally known, are 3 people you share snapshots with most often. The list is updated weekly, which means that if you catch people more often during the week, they will appear on your Best Friends list. You can view this list when you are ready to send a new snapshot as it is displayed at the top of your contact list for easy access. Anyone who has it in their contacts can see it and it is publicly displayed on their profile.

How to bring up your contacts’ best friends

To see the best friends of all your contacts, just use the following method.

Scroll down to the name or username of the friend you want to know about

This opens your profile, where you can see your username and friend score.

There, you will see lists of the users that your friend connects with the most.

You can move your number of best friends from 3 to 5 to 7 in the settings panel.

Note that the best friends algorithm works in such a way that if someone sends you snapshots regularly, but you only reply a few times, that person could be on your best friends list simply because the score increases every time you send snapshots. . Likewise, if you send a snap to someone more often than other people, it will end up on their list.

How to remove Snapchat Best Friends

Learning how to remove best friends from Snapchat is a fairly simple process, but you will need to fully understand how the feature works in order to use it properly. First, Snapchat has a certain score for your best friends, and the score is the total number of snaps you’ve received and sent. This means that the score you will see on your profile is the total number of activity that you have accumulated since you started using the service. Second, the score is measured by the conversations you’ve had between all of your friends, which determines who is on your best friends list.

Then, based on Snapchat’s specific algorithm for friendship, it shows the number of snaps you’ve sent between yourself and all of your best friends, along with their names. In the most recent Snapchat updates, you will see the scores in order of the 3, 5, or 7 best friends on the list. Since these friends are updated weekly, the score will reset to a rating of 0 each week once the list is updated.

Assuming you simply prefer not to have someone on your best friends list, you can simply control who appears there. There are many reasons why you might want to do this. First, your best friends are public for anyone to see, which seems a bit strange. Why should anyone know who you are talking to most often? Second, if your partner isn’t the person you talk to most often, they’ll notice when they go to your profile. So some other guy you are talking to will appear on the list and your SO will ask some questions.

So, you can simply delete them. To do this, you will need to block your friends. This allows you to reset the score mentioned above.

A simple workaround to remove people from your list

You cannot completely hide your Snapchat best friends list. Instead, you will have to use a simple workaround to remove people from your best friends list. And this method also allows you to replace people on your best friends list with other users, simply by using a basic lock and unlock method. You can then replace the people you have blocked with new friends, creating the illusion that you are chatting with different people. With this method, you will disguise those you prefer not to see on your best friends list, effectively “eliminating” them.

To block someone, follow these simple instructions.

1. First, go to your best friends list and click on the settings icon, which looks like a gear.

2. This opens a pop-up window that gives you the option to Block and / or Remove that person.

3. Click Block.

4. When you block a person on Snapchat, their score will reset to 0.

5. That person will now be removed from all your lists, including best friends and contacts.

This is the simplest method because you can remove that person by blocking. They won’t be notified of this crash, and once you’ve done it, you can unlock them and they’ll get a score of 0, so no one will have any idea how much you’ve talked to them.

Now, they will only appear in your contact list and not in your best friends list.

To unblock the person, scroll down to the bottom of your contacts, where you can see your blocked contacts within Snapchat. Next to each person’s name, you will see a gear icon. Click on that, and then when the following window appears, click Unlock.

And that is! Now the person you removed from your best friends list is replaced by a new person – the person with the highest score on your normal contact list.

Chat with others to improve their scores on your best friends list

Chatting with other friends will help you increase your score with them, which increases the chances that new people will become your best friends. This means that if you talk less often with the person you want to remove, the others will outnumber the person you don’t want to appear at the top of your list. Remember, however, that new BFF updates are only triggered every week.

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