• May 18, 2024

3 body types: ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph

Have you ever wondered why some people can eat absolutely anything and never gain weight, while others can gain weight just from the smell of chocolates and cookies? Well, the answer to this lies in the body type of each individual.

Ectomorph, Endomorph, and Mesomorph are the three body types and these are largely responsible for the way your body stores and burns fat. If you want to know more about your body type, keep reading.

know your type

Most fitness trainers and bodybuilding centers use the general body type classification to assess individual needs and fitness goals. Your body type is based on your bone structure and body structure. Therefore, each type reacts differently to exercise and nutrition. To get the maximum benefits from your exercise routine and diet, you need to know your body type.

Ectomorph – The Skinny Guys

Do you feel like a thin bag of bones and is your chest as flat as the ground you walk on? If the answer to this is yes, you belong to the Ectomorph Body type.

Ectomorphs are lean, thin, and skinny with small bones, thin joints, and muscles. They have a fragile, delicate and linear physique. Ectomorphs are not naturally powerful and need to work very hard to build muscle and gain strength. They have a super fast metabolism from which they can eat all day but never gain weight.

Basic ectomorphic features

* Delicate and fragile build * Flat chest * Lean physique * Slightly muscular * Thin and skinny * Takes a long time to build muscle * Does not gain weight easily

Ectomorphs should focus on building lean muscle mass (this goes for women too) through weight training and cardio. Since ectomorphs don’t have a lot of strength, they should only perform moderate exercises and rest between sets. The best workouts for these body types are treadmill walking, boxing, weight lifting workouts, crunches, and cycling.

Ectomorphs need to consume between 3,000 and 3,500 calories per day if they want to gain any weight and build muscle. You should eat 5-6 times a day and include more carbohydrates and protein-rich foods such as green vegetables, whole wheat bread, legumes, dairy products, chicken, and red meat in your diet.

The endomorph – short and curvaceous

Unlike ectomorphs, endomorphs find it difficult to lose weight and are often overweight. They are characterized by a round face, large bones, large trunk and thighs. Endomorphs find it difficult to burn calories due to a slower metabolism and generally have a high degree of fat around their abdomens.

If this describes you, don’t be disappointed as endomorphic body types have their own advantages; Endomorphs are naturally muscular and get the most benefit from muscle building programs.

Basic characteristics of the endomorph

* Bulky, round body * Can gain weight easily, especially around the midsection * Generally short and stocky * Slow metabolism * Builds muscle quickly * Mostly overweight and obese

You must eat small meals frequently to regulate your metabolism. Follow proper nutrition and never starve yourself in an attempt to lose weight. People with this body type should restrict their carbohydrate intake and consume more protein-rich foods. Proteins help maintain lean muscles and keep you full for longer hours.

Endomorphs benefit from cardio and weight training and can quickly build muscle as a result. The ideal exercise routine for endomorphs would include cardiovascular exercises and weight training. Other exercises like Pilates, Yoga and Aerobics can also be of great help.

If you’re an endomorph, we recommend Tom Venuto’s ‘Burn Fat, Feed Muscle’ program and John Alvino’s ‘How to Get Ripped Abs’. These programs will teach you the techniques to burn fat while maintaining lean muscle in the most effective way.

The Mesomorph – Athletic Body

These are the people truly blessed with the best body type: well-defined muscles, big bones, and a perfect physique. If you are a Mesomorph, you will have a well-developed chest, broad shoulders, slimmer waist, firm abdomen, and toned thighs.

What more could one ask for? However, there is a downside: Mesomorphs have poor flexibility and need to spend more on flexibility training.

Basic mesomorphic features

* Athletic build * Full of energy and capable of a lot of physical activity * Women have an hourglass figure while men are rectangular in shape * Muscular and toned body * Excellent physique * Gain muscle easily with proper training

Mesomorphs must consume a diet rich in protein and slowly absorbed carbohydrates, such as vegetables, brown rice, shellfish, eggs, legumes, and olive oil. Ideally, your exercise routine should be a combination of circuit training, high intensity cardio, moderate weight training, core and strength training. Tom Venuto’s ‘Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle’ program will help you learn the right way to train for your body type.

While most people can be classified into the body types listed above, some people may have a build that is a combination of the above types. Whatever the case, it’s important to balance a proper diet and exercise specific to your type, so you stay healthy, active, and full of energy.

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