• May 18, 2024

Emotional bullying in children

Explanation of emotional bullying

The typical meaning of “thug” as we know it is someone who enjoys hitting, teasing, and exhorting others. Well, what we don’t know is that bullying doesn’t just refer to physical abuse or threats or torment.

Unfortunately, a child can be emotionally abused and no one would know that they are suffering from it. Unlike physical abuse, emotional abuse leaves no evidence or manifestations, such as scars or bruises. Therefore, it is less seen or noticed by adults.

And just like physical abuse, emotional abuse erodes a child’s self-esteem and breaks their confidence. He can even tear her heart apart, leading the boy to lose his self-confidence.

And of course, when a child gets hurt, it can leave a deep scar that doesn’t heal quickly and could even last a lifetime.

One form of bullying is verbal abuse, which is common in young children. A sharp word cuts deeper and hurts the young and sensitive heart of the child.

It’s common for kids to tease for fun, but mean and mean verbal statements directed at a specific person are really hurtful.

Children perceived as “losers” are always bullied by these children. They spread rumors about them, ridicule them, and even push them aside. They are always the center of negative comments and laughter.

Unfortunately, anyone who associates with the “loser” will also be called a loser, thus becoming one of the targets, just like the victim. So some children have a tendency to be bullied, even if they were not the original victims.

The stalker and the stalked

A person bullies others because they want to gain power or authority over them. However, it is not normal behavior or part of a normal childhood because the act has negative effects on their own lives.

Who are most likely to be bullied? Those are the kids who have physical disabilities, new to town or school, and who are perceived as outsiders in some way. But the reality is that there really is no specific reason why some are being bullied.

Bullies are insecure because they want to be on top and gain leadership over others, so they pick on the weak who can’t fight back.

To deal with their own problems, or perhaps to feel more important, famous, or in charge, a bully torments others.

There are bullies who are somewhat reluctant to bully others, but due to the popularity of the act and peer pressure as well, they go with the flow to be accepted. Having great fear also helps to mold these unwilling tormentors, as they are afraid of being one of the victims if they do not succumb to the act of intimidation.

Recognizing the victims

Those who are bullied often hide it from their parents and often prefer to face the problem alone.

You can see loneliness, depression, fear, isolation, and a feeling of being trapped. Most of the children are afraid to go to school because they perceive it as a place where there are many bullies.

You can identify an emotionally bullied child by these guidelines:

  1. Using illnesses as excuses, such as stomach aches or headaches, to be absent from school.
  2. Displays nocturnal enuresis behavior
  3. have trouble sleeping
  4. Has difficulty doing homework or studying
  5. I can not concentrate
  6. Seems lethargic, withdrawn, and depressed.
  7. Becomes anxious and irritable
  8. Avoid social gatherings that involve mixing with other children.

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