• May 18, 2024

3 Healing Concepts – Divine Help for Today’s Food

If you are really sick, what do you do? You may feel scared. You may be wondering if your long-term health is compromised. What will happen if you do not receive qualified and effective help? And, in the worst case, you could become an invalid or even die?

Do not allow yourself to give in to such negative concerns. Turning toward a life-altering illness and walking away from a healthy attitude can be one of the biggest mistakes of your life. we all want to be physically healthy and recover from any garlic us. However, it is not only the physical dimension of the disease that matters. Consider this quote from Ordered to Return: My Life After I Die by George G. Ritchie, Jr., M.D.,

When you step out on the borders of human suffering, it throws you (right) back into the arms of God.

It is fair to interpret the author in the sense that many times we must seek divine help to heal completely. For Dr. Ritchie that place and/or act of healing originates from God. Take a moment to consider his body and how it’s supposed to function: he heals from a simple cut, but can he heal from a stab wound, pneumonia, or a broken bone? What about allergies, the flu, or irritable bowel syndrome?


Your body may have trouble remembering exactly how to proceed with a particular health challenge. He is innately intelligent and uses his internal guidance system to call upon the best sources of healing.

The Best Healing Resource is God.

As we search for the best avenues for healing and ask for God’s intervention, we discover that cicatrization it occurs on a multidimensional basis: mind, body and spirit. (See the reference below on ELT, a new health protocol that uses spiritual and energetic concepts to heal the physical body and mind.)

CONCEPT #2: None of us possesses the ability to manifest healing by and only ourselves.

If you (the patient) heal, it is because you are a child of God and possess the abilities He gave you. Also, you receive healing as a gift, as an act of mercy, and sometimes after a special plea for divine intervention. Does that mean you are not participating in the healing process? Of course not. Awareness and participation are critical to 100% healing.

We are lucky that God designed our bodies to heal. Many times this is spontaneous and complete. However, when we need extra help, there are people who show up in our lives and act as healing helpers: Physicians, therapists, and others trained in the healing arts.

If you’re really sick with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, allergies, cancer, AIDS, or some other terrible condition, you’re probably looking for timely and useful information. Chronic diseases, especially those that compromise lifestyle and/or others that can lead to total disability or death, feel like walking death sentences. You want to improve quickly, but the answers may seem elusive.

At a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Support Group I ran for five years, we used to joke about a tongue-in-cheek doctor visit scenario:

The patient speaks: “Doctor, I need your help. I need answers now. What’s wrong with me?”

“Ma’am, this is a good news/bad news situation. Good news first. You have (blank: fill in the name of either disease). You are No going to die.”

The woman smiles, but then worry lines appear on her face. “Okay, but what’s the bad news?”

The doctor gently replies: “You have (blank) and you are No going to die.”

(The star woman in space….)

This may seem a bit silly, but living with a chronic illness can be a difficult task. Sometimes you may not die from a disease, but living with it is pure torture. Humor helps deflect the darts of those hard times until better ones arrive.

CONCEPT #3: Explore many different paths that lead to “healing.”

Because? Is not all healing equal? Because the body is innately intelligent, it can work with and use all kinds of information. Don’t be afraid to look into different healing mechanisms. In the field of holistic health, there are numerous possibilities.

As my grandmother used to say: ‘There is more than one way to skin a cat’.

Long ago, I took handfuls of pills and vitamins to keep going. Today, that is not necessary. This concept of self-discovery and investigation can work for anyone. With divine guidance, some good research, and using your gut, figure out if someone, a service, or a product is the genuine article or not. Be brave. Explore various healing protocols to see which ones will help you begin the actual recovery process.

(Note: I went through such an ordeal and I am grateful for the entire 15 years experience. I have been sick, sick, sick with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and autoimmune diseases. After receiving the ELT (Essential Living Therapy) protocol, I am now healthy, work as an ELT practitioner and love life again. I would not be where I am today if I had gone through such a horrible disease on such a personal level).

Working with the spiritual, energetic and healing components of a technique like ELT, can also allow your health to improve, as it did mine, dramatically and quickly! I left behind pain, exhausting tiredness and other problems.

Final instruction: move on. Find a good path to health and start walking it right away.

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