• May 3, 2024

The value of Internet radio

With earlier advances in computerized audio file compression to facilitate streaming made by web hackers in the 1980s, technology pioneer Carl Malmud founded the first Internet radio station in 1993. With no other competition, simply it was called “Internet Talk Radio”. It consisted primarily of entertaining interviews with key players in the science and technology industry. Since then, the growth of Internet broadcasting has exploded into the 21st century after some live music concerts were broadcast and the music shed its traditional radio roots and became “broadcast.”

When Internet broadcasters once needed their own servers and platforms, 365live.com changed the game and new and better technologies emerged to offer anyone the opportunity to broadcast in a community. Now this technology can be used in devices smaller than some wristwatches, such as iPods and smartphones. Apps like Spotify, Apple Music, Google Music, and Pandora are among music streaming favorites and Slacker.com and Internet-radio.com for talk radio.

Why is this technology so important?

For a long period in the history of radio, you were told that you could expect little change in technology and the way the consumer uses it. The 21st century had other plans. When you once didn’t have much choice of what to listen to and when, now you can fully tailor your listening experience. What, how and when are all now under your control. You can support what you personally believe in, rather than the agenda and advertising that is directed at you. You can interact more closely with the people you admire and the communities you want to join. It can be used as a tool to quickly transform your own mindset and your life completely.

The opportunity it presents

Not only do listeners win, but broadcasters easily reach their “tribe” as well. Business owners who choose to sponsor Internet radio stations are also equally rewarded by being able to target such a specific audience with advertisements, guest spots, or shows of their own. If they only advertise with traditional radio stations, they expect a small return because it only takes this 30-page report by Larry Miller of the Steinhart Music Business Program at New York University to understand that emerging listeners have no interest in technologies. From the past. .

The study says that “Gen Z, projected to account for 40% of all consumers in the US by 2020, shows little interest in traditional media, including radio, having grown up in an on-demand digital environment. “.

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