• April 28, 2024

handwriting development

Most people don’t realize that good handwriting is a direct result of good upper body strength. Crawling is a natural milestone that children need to learn. Crawling develops power in the shoulders, arms, wrists, and hands. Has he ever personally heard or said, “My son stopped crawling and went straight to walking!” While walking skills may be advancing rapidly, it’s also a good indication that your child will have poor fine motor skills.

Poor fine motor skills will affect a child’s ability to do buttons, snaps, zippers, pick up small objects, and especially to have legible handwriting. As a child crawls, her grip will begin to mature, allowing her to make more precise movements later in development. Therefore, good posture and arm strength are critical factors in improving your child’s handwriting. They are also beneficial areas to work on from birth to age 5, during the years leading up to a child’s writing.

What are good activities that can promote upper body strength? The following are some techniques you can try at home: crawling through tunnels, wheelbarrow walking (child walks on hands and adult holds feet), climbing stairs, lifting heavy objects, kneading dough (play dough), play monkey bar, or move a skateboard by lying on your stomach and pushing through your arms (can also be done up or down ramps).

For those of you who have older children, you may know that handwriting lessons are not always the most fun. Before your child participates in a fine motor activity, have him or her do one of the upper body strengthening activities listed above. These activities will stimulate the muscles and promote good postural control during a writing or fine motor activity. Plus, it can increase your child’s attention and focus! Do not let your child sit for more than 15-20 minutes, especially if he is under 5 years old. Eventually increase her time in small increments until he reaches the desired practice time. It is important that you provide a happy writing experience! Have fun!

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