• May 17, 2024

Exotic Pets – Find Out If Hedgehogs Are The Perfect Pet For You

When looking for an exotic pet, hedgehogs may not come to mind. After all, most people think of hedgehogs as wild animals… maybe even pests. But there are varieties of this unusual animal that have been bred for human companionship.

Algerian hedgehogs make wonderful pets, as do the African pygmy hedgehog and the North African hedgehog. There are several other varieties to consider, too.

While some US states do not allow citizens to keep hedgehogs (they are not native to North America), other states allow them as pets. Check local regulations for information. But if you are allowed to keep hedgehogs, they will quickly become valuable members of your family.

Low-maintenance pets, they are curious animals that enjoy interactions with humans. They are also useful. If they are left to roam the garden, they can eat up to 200 grams of insects every night. Of course, the area in which they feed must be kept free of insecticides.

Hedgehogs, unlike cats, dogs, or rabbits, do not spread dander. That makes them wonderful pets for people who suffer from dander allergies. However, some people can develop allergies to hedgehog food. Even though they are silent animals, the most you will hear from them is a loud snort as they breathe.

From time to time, they squeak softly. After you’ve spent some time with your new pet, she’ll learn what her noises mean. Sometimes they indicate that he is upset or angry. If the latter is the case, beware. Because they are known to bite when upset and their teeth are very sharp.

Hedgehogs need a lot of space to roam, so provide your new pet with a suitable cage. A wire cage is acceptable, as is a large glass aquarium. Keep in mind that your hedgehog will need a lot of floor space to roam around. A single-level container is best, as hedgehogs do not like to climb up and down.

If you prefer to allow your hedgehog to roam free, you need to make sure your home is a safe environment. They will chew electrical cords and wooden furniture. They can destroy pillows and upholstery while digging. They can also easily disappear because they love to hide. A better option would be to provide a fence or playpen for your pet’s roaming environment.

Although they like to play with toys, something as simple as an empty toilet paper tube or paper towel will give your hedgehog hours of playful fun. PVC tubes offer more tubing options, as long as they are wide enough for your pet. Make sure he has enough room to turn around.

Wire wheels are not hedgehog-safe exercise wheels because their little feet can slip through the wire. The result could be a broken foot or leg. Bucket wheels are a better alternative because they are solid surfaces. Another thing to avoid is any toy that has strings. These can wrap around the hedgehog’s feet, cutting off its blood supply. Do not give your new pet any toys that have sharp edges as they could cut themselves.

If you educate yourself about hedgehogs, as you will discover, they can be a perfect pet for you. Check with veterinarians or pet store staff for all the facts before adopting one of these small animals. Getting the right pet is important to you and the animal.

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