• May 3, 2024

Hidden Cameras – A Personal Story

I have a self defense website and I hear all kinds of stories from people who waited too long to protect themselves from harm. It’s always sad to hear this.

A story with a happy ending

There is one story in particular that comes to mind. A person outside of the US called me and told me that he owned several apartment buildings. There was a lot of vandalism, from break-ins to putting glue on door locks. He was tired of being a victim, but he wasn’t sure what he had to do.

After we discussed your situation, you decided to make an investment and protect your property and hopefully catch the intruders. So he set up several hidden cameras with a wired exit sign and a hidden camera with a wired smoke detector in the hallway.

In less than a week, he called me to say someone was caught on camera and they were able to make an arrest. He was so excited and knew his investment had paid off. But he didn’t stop there. He decided to buy a kit and put hidden cameras in wall sockets. No one would think of looking for a hidden camera there.

I tell this story because everyone has a different situation, but everyone needs to protect their property. Your situation may be different and you may not need a hidden camera, but there are many other types of self defense products on the market that you can use.


  • DIY Home Security Kits
  • door alarms
  • window alarms
  • PEPPERalarm. For those of you who don’t know, there is a new product on the market. It’s called PEPPERAlarm. It is a combination of alarm and pepper spray. But unlike similar products on the market, Pepper Spray is Saber’s patented clear pepper spray that can be used indoors and leaves no residue. It does not cause irritation to a thief’s eyes, but it does cause shortness of breath and coughing. The cough causes a terrible headache. It comes with 2 cans of pepper spray and a remote control. This is so new that most thieves don’t know about it and won’t know what hit them. And hopefully, word will spread about this revolutionary product.
  • Hidden security cameras.
  • Barking dog alarm. Everyone knows that a dog is the best form of protection you can have. But in case you don’t have a dog, there is another product on the market that will do the same thing. It’s called a barking dog alarm and it runs on batteries. You stand in front of your door and when someone tries to break in, the barking dog alarm starts barking like crazy. My neighbor has one and she said it’s so loud her next door neighbor can hear it.

I’m sure everyone has a story to tell. But hopefully this article will give you some ideas on how to keep your home safe and there will be fewer stories in the future!

Security is not expensive, it is priceless!

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