• May 17, 2024

Cosmic Gossip – Pisces 2010

Pisces is kindness and compassion. Sensitive and impressionable, this Zodiac sign soaks up emotions like a sponge. Susceptible to the environment, Pisces can react through the physical body with allergies and emotionally by collecting too much negative information. Pisces can literally feel your pain and must be aware of how to disconnect from situations that are not positive for their health. These individuals have the gift of knowing, the insight to discern what a person needs to be comforted. Unfortunately, this world is often too harsh for Pisces and many choose to wear rose-colored glasses and live in a world of fantasy rather than face reality. Pisces may turn to unhealthy pacifiers to cope and they tend to obsess, which can lead to addictions.

The symbolic pull of the two fish swimming in opposite directions represents the yin and yang of life, the possibility that the Pisces of the twelve signs has the ability to rise above the ordinary realm of understanding the meaning of life.

If you love, a Pisces be gentle, a kinder lover you will not find. Respect his soft core and don’t be too critical of his flaws. A sensitive partner needs protection, so be prepared to stand up for your partner. Remember that you are lucky to have a Pisces partner; he or she will be your shoulder to lean on forever.

Sky Watch: Mars will finally make its way onto the dance floor. The delays and lethargy have been so frustrating that it will be a much needed relief for everyone. Express yourself, turn up the volume and hit the play button. Time to have fun.

ARIES (March 21-April 20): Aries has been feeling closeted these past few months. Now that Mars is dancing with the stars, you’ll want to play more, have fun and be able to say what’s on your mind. Be careful not to overdo it and increase your energy too much; being reckless can lead to accidents. Cosmic Tip: You have a safety net, in case even this warning goes unheeded.

TAURUS (April 21-May 20): Taurus has been itching to get some work done around the house, maybe you went back to a previous project and have been working these past few months to complete it, if so, rest assured, you can finish it off for good. finish. . Watch for outbursts of resentment or anger with the family or a parent. Cosmic Tip: Finding trusted friends or being part of a group that allows you to talk and listen is a good thing.

GEMINI ((May 21 – June 21) Gemini has an enormous amount of mental energy and for the last few months it has felt like a clamp has been around your mind. This cloud is lifting. You are lucky to have a reliable support in your profession Cosmic Advice: Do not try to win friends by winning arguments, use your wit and quick mind for better purposes.

CANCER (June 22-July 22): Cancer should avoid impulse purchases. The push has been strong in recent months to buy what you see and think about it later. There are consequences, always consequences. You are especially territorial this month and very vocal about what belongs to you. An argument may arise about what is yours or someone else’s. Cosmic Tip: Your good fortune may be somewhere across the sea. Fortunately, there are plenty of opportunities for you to travel and see places you only dream of visiting.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Leo is feeling the release of that Mars energy, you’re showing your assertiveness and need to be quick to dodge arguments. You’re not in the mood to sit anymore, because you’ve been doing it for the past few months. If you handle this burst of energy carefully, you will win many admirers. Leadership positions will open up for you, but patience will be in short supply. Participate in some form of athletics to use this energy effectively and with positive results. Cosmic Tip: The benefits of other resources are available to you.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Virgo has been feeling the pinch of backward energy; despite the forward shift, the difference is hardly noticeable. Tired still, you will have your own energy on standby for a while longer. Winter passes. Accumulate your reserves. Working behind the scenes can benefit you in the future, just be patient for results. Cosmic Tip: A partnership has a lot of potential and can bring balance to your life.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Libra can feel secure in group efforts. While you prefer one-on-one partnerships, you’ll find that the comfort and success of a collective of people is much better for you right now. Compatibility is a Libra trait and this is now your goal. You should look for people whose goals are similar to yours so you can share opinions and experiences. Cosmic Tip: Co-workers can be of benefit, or people you come into contact with on a daily basis, like the man who sells you the newspaper or the woman who gives you yoga classes.

0SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Scorpio can finally make some progress in his career. Be sure to find the right training or education channels to achieve your goals. So many obstacles have hindered you in the past few months, so this big burst of energy can be refreshing. Also keep in mind the resentment that has built up over the weeks, authority issues may arise. Cosmic Advice: Seize the opportunity; bet a little, this may be your time to do something a little risky.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Sagittarius knows no bounds when it comes to beliefs. A broad mind allows for many options and can pave the way for multiple opportunities. The last few months have forced you to keep some opinions to yourself, but now you can unleash your honest views to the world. Cosmic Tip: Try your soap box routine at home with the family. Let yourself imagine a large audience of listeners. Pay attention to reviews before you hit the road.

CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Capricorn may have opinions that do not agree with the rest of the planet, during the last months you have tried to say what you have in mind but the words come out backwards or misunderstood. Even if he manages to get his point across, the results have been weak at best. With this month’s renewed burst of energy, you can turn things around. Avoid conflict and confrontation, be cautious, star quality of Capricorn. Cosmic Tip: The community and local contacts can help you in your goals.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Aquarius has felt the pull of a relationship like a weight or burden. Associations may also have caused you some conflict, rest assured that this month’s renewed burst of energy may be a remedy. Just don’t turn up the heat of the discussion, use this time to strike a balance and use one person’s talents combined with yours. Cosmic Tip: Your personal resources can increase. Lady Luck is sitting down to balance the checking account.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Pisces hasn’t been in the best of health in recent months. Your daily routine has become a drudgery and at the end of the day you are tired. Take inventory of the resentments you’ve been harboring, and as the burst of renewed energy comes this month, let it go. Physical ailments can manifest when you don’t cleanse negative thoughts. Cosmic Advice: You have healing powers and excellent potential to recover from everything that ails you.

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