• May 19, 2024

Male Chastity Lifestyle: How To Ask Him For What You Want

So, you’ve done your research and mustered up the courage to have what I call “The Conversation” with your partner about taking those first steps down the path of the male chastity lifestyle.

I call it “The Conversation” for obvious reasons, the most important being that you have to tell him at some point about the game you want him to play. I will say more about all of this in a later email because it is so important. But for now just realize three things:

  1. You won’t get what you want unless you asked for it.
  2. You’re going to have to ask for it.
  3. Once the cat is out of the bag, it will not go back in.

In the meantime, let’s continue.

The first thing I’ll say is… Begin with the end in mind. While you don’t need to reveal everything you want and desire up front, and doing so can be so frightening for your partner that it backfires, you do need to keep your ultimate wishes firmly in mind.

So if your goal is to be locked in permanent chastity with orgasms only once a month, then everything you say, reveal, and do should be geared toward eventually making this happen.

If you really want to give your partner complete and unrestricted control of your orgasms, including permanent orgasm denial (be careful what you wish for!), then this is the goal to focus on.

The reason for doing this is that if you don’t know what you want, then you won’t be able to take the steps to get there.

A lot of people say “I want to try male chastity“But I have no idea what they really mean.

This is a mistake, because once you start having The Conversation, your partner will ask questions like, “so… what exactly do you want?“. This is even plus probably once they start looking at all the information you’ve amassed (and you amassed it, haven’t you?).

Ok, with all that in mind, how do you start?

Well… as with all things, there is more than one way to do it.

But more important than what you say, in many ways, is when you say it.

So choose your moment. If you wait until she’s at her most tech-savvy time of the month and bring it up ten minutes before your mom is home for dinner, or if she’s picking the kids up from school, then don’t blame me if they bite your head off. .

It’s much better to do something romantic and make sure you’re both relaxed and in a good mood, for example having dinner with a little wine (not too much, because alcohol reduces your ability to make sound decisions and you’re both likely to make emotional decisions instead of logical one is). Or maybe watch a romantic movie or something that puts you both in a more sexual mood (the movie “9 1/2 weeks“could be a good option).

The important thing is to “drive” everything subtly. There is also a funny story that I need to share with you about this.

Do not overdo it, but spend a few days before it to be especially attentive and affectionate. If you are a man whose be overtly sexual We women hate that. We find it hard to separate love from sex, so if we get the feeling that you’re just being nice by having sex with us, then it’s a real turn off because it makes us feel cheap.

But if you’re a woman, being sexual, flirtatious, and somewhat playful is a good idea. Remember, men and women come at this from different angles. If you, as a woman, give him the impression that you are trying to deny him his orgasm and make him do all the housework, unless he really is a submissive man, don’t be surprised by a cold reception.

Once you’re in a frame of mind where you think you might at least get some positive reception, it’s time to spit it out. So to speak. It’s hard, because there is no easy way to do this. At some point you have to say the words, and once said, you can’t take it back.

If you’re too cautious and shy…he or she might be excited about the idea, but perceive your they’re not… so maybe they both really want it, but they’ll both be too scared to say it. On the other hand, if you’re too direct… you might scare her off.

Now, this is just the first part of the one-two.

The second part (and that’s why I suggested putting your partner in a romantic and sexy mood)… I’ll share it with you in another article and reveal a way to take on the idea of ​​male chastity easily and naturally. . and actually put it into practice.

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