• May 10, 2024

New book reveals that angels are always there to guide us

Journey with an Angel offers a fascinating look at the subject of angels in general, but with a lot of new information from some surprising sources, and with the biggest surprise of all, being that angels are not only real, but live right here among us.

In this book, Lisa Ulshafer shares her incredible story of how she discovered that she is an angel incarnate. Six years after this discovery, she met author David Armstrong, himself a clairvoyant with spirit guides, who confirmed this reality for her. With a little help from Armstrong, Ulshafer has written this book to share the information he has learned about the roles of angels in our lives and the larger picture of human existence and reincarnation, including sharing the names of some incarnated angels. well known among us.

While I know some readers will be skeptical of this information, I truly believe that the universe is full of mysteries, and Ulshafer’s explanations of angels are more complete than I have read anywhere else. Some of the best information he provides includes how to look for signs that angels are interacting with us and how to ask for guidance from him. A sign to Ulshafer that he is on the right track in his activities, including writing this book, is when he sees combinations of the number 227 throughout the day. To attest to his claim of the constant appearance of this number in his life, he has provided numerous photos of when he has seen it appear on watches, receipts and license plates. These photographs assure us that the angels are guiding us and watching over us. The meaning of this number and others that we might recognize as angel signs are detailed in a section on numerology in the book.

Another aspect of the book that I really enjoyed was the discussion of reincarnation, which I have believed in for a long time. I also appreciated the examples of how our intuition also guides us. Ulshafer provides examples from her own experiences when intuition has led to revelations in her life, as well as examples from others of how her intuition has protected them from danger.

But most importantly, Ulshafer sets the record straight about many misconceptions people have about angels. A clarifying misconception that I found especially interesting was the following statement:

“Misconception: Fallen angels are angels who have fallen away from God’s grace because they encouraged people to sin. These fallen angels were believed to cause wars and disasters on Earth.

“Disclaimer: There are no fallen angels. They are all loving beings. We humanize them just as we humanize God because that is what we humans do to make sense of what we don’t fully understand.”

I firmly believe that there are many things we don’t understand about the afterlife and the spirit world that we can’t see, but I have always felt that the universe is basically good and that the evil that we have been taught in various religions actually stems from fear. human rather than supernatural forces, so I was glad to learn that Ulshafer shared my belief in this area. There were many other statements of a similar nature throughout the book that resonated with me.

Perhaps the funniest part of the book was reading about the famous and historical people who, according to Ulshafer, are also angels incarnate, some of whom still live among us. I’ll only mention a few of these names so as not to spoil the readers’ fun, but I wasn’t surprised to hear that Abraham Lincoln was one of them. I was even more surprised to learn that many popular musicians, including Michael Jackson, have been angels incarnate. When I read that, I realized that I was being critical since Michael Jackson always seemed a little weird to me, but no one can doubt how he brought joy to millions of people or how he used his fame for many humanitarian purposes. Finally, I was very interested in the statement that Mikhail Gorbachev is an angel incarnate. He only came to power for a brief time, but brought about the end of the Soviet Union during that time, a remarkable feat from an unexpected source that makes me feel like there had to be some divine inspiration behind it. Ulshafer mentions many other famous humans who became angels before concluding the topic.

Like I said, some people will be skeptical, but I invite everyone to read Journey with an Angel with an open mind to see if Ulshafer’s words move your heart. The most important message of this book is that our lives have a purpose, and when we listen to our intuition, we can remember who we are and find that purpose. I think any reader willing to listen will be surprised by the results. Regardless, most of our skepticism is based on fear rather than logic. Ulshafer invites us to embark on a hero’s journey to find and fulfill our purposes in life. She concludes the book by offering us tools to help us raise our vibrational energy so that we are up for the challenge. I, for one, feel much better knowing that we live in a benevolent universe where angels take care of us when we begin that journey, but if you choose not to, there is always your next incarnation…

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