• May 18, 2024

Make your own hydrogen gas to power your car with water!

Is it possible to make your own hydrogen gas to run a car with water? Actually, the answer is yes and no.

While it’s not possible for the average person to create pure hydrogen gas, it’s completely realistic to think that you could create some kind of fuel gas from water, and in fact, thousands of people around the world are doing exactly that. minute.

You should also realize here that the gas created will supplement the gas or diesel fuel you already use, but will cause the fuel to burn more completely, increasing your overall fuel consumption.

So how is this magical gas created from water? It’s really quite simple and the technology to do it has been around for almost 100 years!

That technology is known as electrolysis. This efficient means of separating water into its core elements of hydrogen and oxygen by applying current through a set of electrodes immersed in ordinary water has proven effective in producing a gas known as HHO or Brown’s gas.

This gas is very stable but burns easily, and when combined with the gas you already use, it dramatically increases the total surface area of ​​the atomized fuel, allowing it to burn more completely and therefore increasing fuel consumption.

You create this HHO gas with a device you can build called a hydrogen generator, and you can do it for less than $65.

In fact, I built a hydrogen generator over six months ago and have dramatically increased my gas mileage by converting my vehicle to a water-burning hybrid.

You do not have to modify your car’s engine or computer in any way and you can find everything you need to build the hydrogen generator at the local hardware store and have the thing up and running in a matter of hours…it really is that easy.

This is not rocket science and the only reason you may not have heard of this is that there is no economic value for big business to make it a commercial product and big oil and a tax hungry government would never allow let that happen anyway.

But you can build your own hydrogen generator and increase gas mileage by up to 50%. All you need is a good guide and a couple of bucks in your pocket, so go for it!

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