• May 3, 2024

Current movies you need to see on the big screen

As fun as it can be to sit in the comfort of your own home with a bowl of popcorn and watch a worn copy of a favorite movie, there’s something special about picking up one of today’s many great movies by heading to your local. cinema and watching the movie on the big screen. Between the beautiful picture, the tremendous sound system, and the host of improvements theater owners have made over the years, it’s hard to beat seeing a new movie at your local movie theater.

But with so much information out there to help you know what’s currently available at your local theater, it can be a bit overwhelming trying to keep up with it all.

Instead of trying to navigate the influx of information, here are some current movies that are worth every penny to see on the big screen at your local theater:

Coconut – This film follows the adventures of a boy and his desire to be a great musician. The film navigates family dynamics, culture (Day of the Dead), spirituality, and the age-old dichotomy that exists when you feel like you’re alone. Not only does the film have rave reviews across the board, but it also earns some of its highest marks for its visual beauty, which means seeing it on a big screen is an absolute “must see.”

League of Justice – What happens when you take some of the most marketable names in the film industry and pit them against some of the biggest comedic heroic figures? You get this movie. Not only is it a visually stunning film, but the coming together of so many heroes, especially during these more insecure times, makes everyone cheer up a little more.

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi – Perhaps one of the most iconic film franchises in all of film history, this latest chapter follows Rey and the development of her powers under the tutelage of Luke Skywalker, a development that seems to impress and disturb him. Given the lineage of Star Wars movies, it’s safe to say that seeing this movie in a movie theater will give you the best chance to get right into the action.

Ferdinand – What happens when a huge bull apparently made for bullfighting finds more satisfaction living as a pacifist? This is a story of heart, of friendship, of confronting one’s own demons and of understanding that there is always a time for someone to defend what he believes. Not only is it a visual gem, but the film has also assembled one of the most interesting and entertaining voice casts.

Don’t settle for your movie-watching experience. Go out and enjoy one of the best current movies that is being released right now on the big screen. If you’ve been away from the theater for a while, it’s time to head back.

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