• May 18, 2024

Predictions for 2011 based on numerology

2011 is a 4th Universal Year. (2+0+1+1=4) We have to look at the energy of the number 4 to understand the trend of global events in 2011.

The 4th Year is strongly associated with hard work and little freedom to engage in frivolous pursuits. It is a time to be practical, down to earth, follow the rules, and be organized and efficient. Success can only be achieved through perseverance and discipline. It is a Year that is essential to build a foundation for the future because the number 4 demands that we stabilize all areas of our life by working on the foundation on which we live. In that sense, the number 4 is strongly associated with Mother Earth.

Financially, it can be a challenging year because you have to be careful with your money in a 4 Year, be frugal and spend it wisely. There is also a warning about stress and health with the number 4.

The mood of the world is about to take a somber note and I suspect our sense of humor will take a pause in 2011. It is time for the world to work on our problems in a sensible way.

The following are potential trends for 2011 based on it being a 4th Universal Year and also on observations about events in October.

1. Governments around the world will have to control their spending and will find cuts in programs that would be considered expendable. It is time for our governments to be frugal. Whether at the federal, state or local level, budgets need to be balanced and some of these budget cuts will be severe.
2. Products will be invented or marketed that are more efficient or save money, for example, low-consumption cars. This would be an area to invest your money. Look for start-up companies of this nature. Also, if you have extra money to invest, given the excellent buyer’s market for real estate, if you can invest in a rental property or something like that, this would be the best place to put your money instead of the stock market. It is not a year to take risks.
3. More laws will be proposed and passed that at some level create limitations on our lives, perhaps even limiting our freedom. It will all be about “law and order” in 2011. Our travel might be restricted in some way.
4. There will be a clash of ideologies where there is no middle ground. People will have strong opinions. This may cause more demonstrations or protests. People will get stressed and angry. Some incidents could turn potentially violent.
5. Governments will choose or be forced (perhaps due to a natural disaster) to work on the infrastructures of their countries. Because the sun is in a period of solar maximum, we face a real danger with our electricity being interrupted for extended periods. There are plans to cut power in the event of a severe solar flare. This is based on scientific fact and I encourage you to do your own research on the effects of this particular solar maximum period on you and your family. To be prepared.
6. People will feel the rising costs of gasoline, food, and necessities and will have to make adjustments with their own budgets. There could also be protests over high prices. We can also expect product shortages. You may want to stock up on basics and might even consider it an investment as prices will continue to rise so you’ll save money in the long run by buying at a lower price.
7. Fashions and trends will be less colorful but more practical and there will be less emphasis on exorbitant spending and even Hollywood will tone down the usual “over the top” spending, glitz and glamour.
8. Companies that have been unethical in lying or misrepresenting their products will be exposed and held accountable. This would also include public persons.
9. The increasing trend of earthquakes will continue in 2011. Since there was a 6.9 earthquake in the Gulf of California in October, I am concerned about that area. I also expect more tsunamis.
10. Industries that depend on a good economy, such as the vacation and travel industry, restaurants and high-end retail, will continue to suffer even more in 2011. People will not be as willing to part with their hard-earned dollar , even if you have extra money.
11. The stock market may “flat line” in the sense that people will not be as willing to take risks.
12. Unfortunately, job losses and unemployment will add to the financial constraints of many people in 2011. Many job losses will come from government budget cuts to government funded organizations.
13. 2011 can be a difficult year due to epidemics or pandemics. There is already evidence of this with cholera in Haiti, whooping cough, hand and foot disease, and now the news of bird flu in China. Learn how to keep your immune system healthy. Start taking vitamin D and C and do some research on other options.
14. North Korea will continue to be a concern for its aggressive behavior and there will be more news to cause alarm.
15. The weather will continue to break records. Flooding, windstorms, tornadoes and “freak storms” will be in the news in 2011. Expect a few storms from the Northeast this year, but overall a milder winter for the East and a harsh winter for the Midwest. I don’t expect an active Atlantic hurricane season again in 2011.
16. Expect more and more unexplained phenomena with the earth’s atmosphere in 2011, including meteorites, undiscovered anomalies, and the strange behavior of the sun and yes, even UFOs.
17. The focus on a more spiritual approach to life will undoubtedly continue to grow and you can expect to see continued growth of this trend on television, radio and all media.

alison baughman


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