• May 3, 2024

Opportunity for maturation in the pet business – Senior pets

In my article “Pets Are Big Business,” I discuss the trends that are making pet products and services a big opportunity for entrepreneurs: America is a nation of animal lovers, and pets are the new symbols of status; a well-cared-for pet is a sign of achievement.

Not only do we have more pets per household than ever before; Additional trends in pet demographics create new niches for pet products and services. In particular, “senior pets” are carving out a niche of their own. To consider:

–Pets live longer than ever. This is a self-perpetuating cycle: pets get better care; they live longer; Senior pets require specialized products and services.

–People are more likely than ever to adopt older pets; therefore, animal shelters and rescue organizations are more likely to keep these pets available for adoption rather than euthanize them.

–No-kill shelters, unheard of a few years ago, are becoming more common and are also more likely to keep older pets for adoption (as well as pets with other special needs).

This trend toward an older pet population creates a need for an entirely new line of pet products and services. Think of the possibilities:

–Thermal beds to keep older pets warm at night.

–Special furniture, ramps and steps for pets that can’t climb as well as before.

–Pet food formulated for less active pets and easier to chew.

–Day care for dogs and cats and home visits for senior and special needs pets.

–Buggies and strollers for less mobile small pets.

–Skin, ear, eye and teeth care products for senior pets.

–Dog sweaters and jackets to keep less active pets warm.

Pets are big business, and senior pets and pets with special needs present a special area of ​​opportunity as they become more numerous and more respected members of the pet population.

Once you’ve decided which senior pet product or service will light your business fire, you’ll need to find a marketer who shares your passion for pets. You deserve success for your devotion to this special niche!

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